Full text: From pixels to sequences

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Table 2: DAIS-7915 Test flight conditions on Do228 A spect 
Time: 22 Nov., 1994, 2:30 PM Y 
The image fragments demonstrated on Fig. 2 and 3 
are raw data of the following channels (see Table 3). 
45 742 28 POLYGON 
25 925 29 MIRRORS 
35 1592 52 llght from 
target area 
75 9300 560 
Table 3: DAIS-7915 wavelengths and bandwidths Figure 1: Principal Optical Scheme of DAIS-7915 
The sun elevation angle during these data registration was of about 20 degree only. The sky was partly covered by 
(The weather was quiet, but mostly overcast. There was only one more or less cloud free region but with relatively 
weak illumination due to the low sun angle and clouds in the surroundings.) 
The test-site area is located close to Garmisch Partenkirchen at the border of the German Alps. The test-site displays 
strong differences in soil moisture due to the variations in organic components in the grassland and moorland area. 
The variation in soil moisture can be clearly observed in the thermal band (channel 75). 
Although the sun elevation is only of about 20 degrees, differences in vegetation cover and vegetation water content 
are clearly displayed in the center of the image comparing the two near infrared bands (15 and 25) and the SWIR 
band 35. 
Regarding the bad illumination conditions, the dynamic range and various features in the image can be stated as a first 
and reasonable result of a qualitative analysis. 
4. T.G. Chrien, R.O. Green, M.L. Eastwood, "Accuracy of the Spectral and Radiometric Laboratory Calibration of 
the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS)", Proc. SPIE, Vol. 1298, pp. 37-49.5, 1990. 
2 D. Oertel, B. Zhukov, "On-ground calibration facility and calibration algorithms for wide-angle imaging and video 
spectrometric airborne sensors in the VIS-TIR spectral range”, DLR-FB 93-44, DLR, Wessling, 1993. 
3. S. H. Chang, M.J. Westfield, F. Lehmann, D. Oertel, R. Richter, "79-Channel Airborne Imaging Spectrometer", 
SPIE Vol. 1937 pp 164 - 172, 1993. 
IAPRS, Vol. 30, Part 5W1, ISPRS Intercommission Workshop “From Pixels to Sequences’, Zurich, March 22-24 1995 

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