Full text: Proceedings of ISP Commission 1 symposium on data acquisition and improvement of image quality and image geometry

Aviphot High Infrared Tri - X Plus - X 
Pan 30 Definition3414 | 2424 2403 2402 
+ +017 | 
A ———— ee 70m + Gretag 
i D 33 
ES | ut - — dee Macbeth 
E04 optische TD-102 
- 0.3 
- 04 $i ze] | 
: LES | Ae |l Macbeth 
10 30 TD-100 
lw J 1 Joyce-Loebl 
20 | 3CS 
TEE ; = " " e ma P-1700 
Fig.5: Diagrams of corrections for some film types and density measuring 
instruments used. The abscissa axis represents the absolute values 
of the diffuse density which were obtained by & reference measure- 
ment after DIN 4512 with an apparatus of the PTB Braunschweig. On 
the ordinate axis A D represents the difference between the abso- 
lute diffuse densities and the real densities. For determining 
the real densities the measuring instruments were calibrated and 
adjusted respectively each with a step of high density of a Kodak 
step tablet no.3 (calibrated). 
Gretag D 33, aperture 2 mm; Macbeth TD-100, aperture 0.8 mm (alu- 
minium); Macbeth TD-102, aperture 0.8 mm (black); Joyce-Loebl 3CS, 
numerical aperture of 0.1 for the condensing lens and 0.25 for 
the objective lens (magnification 10x), emulsion towards the re- 
ceiver, slit width 10 um, slit height 100 um; Optronics P-1700, 
pixel size 25 pm, emulsion towards the receiver. 
with reverse sign compared to the High Definition Film). Such obvious 
effects do not appear with. the other film types. 
The corrections resulting from the Optronics scans have - with the ex- 
ception of High Definition Film - similar correction functions which 
only differ with the value. Findings of the same kind were also obtained 
from scans with 100 pm pixel size (not indicated in fig.5). 

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