Full text: Proceedings of ISP Commission 1 symposium on data acquisition and improvement of image quality and image geometry

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Since five years ago, Geographic Survey Institute of 
Japan has been executing to take aerial color photographies 
| of all areas of Japan and investigators are easely able to 
| use the aerial color photos, 
In the case, it is required that all color photos, 
duplicated from an original aerial color photograph through 
various intermediate processes and films, are precisely repro- 
duced and that the information contained in these color 
photos should not be lost until the investigator's use, 
Moreover, it is desired that color aerial prints, which users 
have purchased, would be durable for the color fading occured 
due to the preservation for long period. 
From the remote sensing standpoint, the aerial color 
photographies seem to have three features of infor- 
mation; spectral, spatial and temporal information, 
The quality of the information transfer by the color photo- * 
graphic system is evaluated by tone reproduction character- 
istics, color reproduction characteristics, and 
modulation transfer functions (MTFs), 
In this paper, the changes of the features of informa- 
tion of the entire aerial photographic system (weather-flight, 
camera-film, the color prints duplicated from the 
original aerial color photograph through various duplicating 
system) were exammined, and evaluated by MTF,radiative trans- 
fer characteristics (tone reproduction) and colors reproduction. 
Finnally, by an exposure test,fading characteristics of color 
image were measured to exammine the long time preservations of 
the aerial color photography. 
The flow diagram of the testing procedures of the aerial (9 
color photography is shown in Fig. 1, The aerial color 
negative film has an exposure latitude larger than the aerial 
reversal color film and its color can be conpensated even if 
it is under or over exposed, although its spectral informa- 
tion is modified. 
On theother side, the acculate spectral information of 
the ground object are obtained by using the aerial reversal 
color film, though it has rather narrow exposure latitude, 
In this experiment, Kodak aerial color negative film 
Type 2445, and Kodak aerochrome MS film Type 2448 were used, 
and also another reversal color film, Kodak Ektachrome EF 
aerographic film Type SO-397 was selected because of its 
high resolving power. 

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