Full text: Proceedings of ISP Commission 1 symposium on data acquisition and improvement of image quality and image geometry

March 15, 1978 
| Nimbus G 
EXPECTED LAUNCH DATE: August 31, 1978 
ORBIT: Sun-synchronous, near polar; ascending node at about 1200 hours local time 
Altitude: 955 km Inclination: 99,3° 
‘Period: 104 minutes, with 6-day repeat cycle 
PURPOSE: Integral part of Seasat-A program Long term weather prediction 
Monitor pollution of air and oceans Atmosphere/ocean interface 
Map sediments and coastal effluents 
1 SENSORS: Sensor 
i Wavelength Resolution Fov Measurement Scientist 
! Scanning Multi- 6.6, 10.7, 33-245 km sea-surface tempera- 
| channel Microwave 18, 21, (spatial) 109 ture, ocean rainfall Dr. Per 
Radiometer (SMMR) 37 gHz $now and ice parame- Gloersen, 
(to cover polar ters, atmospheric NASA/GSFC ( 4 
areas not covered water content NS 
by identical SMMR 
on Seasat) 
Coastal Zone 0.43-0.45 um chlorophyll absorption 
Color Scanner 0.51-0.53 um chlorophyll correlation 
(Czcs) 0.54-0.56 um gelbstoffe (yellow Dr. Warren 
800 m 1800 km substance) Hovis, 
0.66-0.68 un. chlorophyll absorption NOAA/NESS 
0.70-0.80 un surface vegetation 
10.5-12.5 um surface temperature 
Solar and Back- 2550-3400 À 11.33? stratospheric ozone 
‘scattered llltra- (step scan) profile Dr. Donald 
violet/Total Ozone 1600-4000 À 50 km 3* global distribution Heath, 
Mapping Spectro- (continuous of total ozone NASA/GSFC 
meter (SBUV/TOMS) scan) 
Limb Infrared 
6 channels 
. Vertical profiles of 
Dr. James M. 
Monitor of tne 6-18 um 0.5 mrad 29 temperature, concen- Russell Ill, 
Stratosphere trations of 0,, H,0, NASA/Langley 
(LIMS) NO; and HNO, 
Stratospheric lum .distribution and Dr. M. P. 
Aerosol Measure- optical properties McCormick, 
ment (SAM II) of aerosols from NASA/Langley 
solar photometer 10 to 160 km 
Stratospheric and . 100 x vertical profiles of Dr. John 6 
Mesospheric 10 km  stratospheric CO2, Houghton, 
Sounder (SAMS) CO, NO, H20, N20, and Univ. of 
CH, Oxford, UK 
Measurement of 
Air Pollution 
from Satellites 
Experiments continued from Nimbus S and/or 6: 
Humidity Infra- 
red Radiometer 
Earth Radiation 
Budget (ERB) 
reported in: 
6.5-7 um 21 mrad 
10.5-12.5 um 7 mrad 
map global distribution 
of CO, CH«, and NH, 
levels in troposphere 
infrared radiation from 
Earth; pictures and 
3-dinensional mapping 
of cloud cover 
Compute radíation 
Archival and publication plans for Nimbus C data will be 
Nímbus-G Data Users Bulletin Project Manager: Ron Brovníng 
Nimbus Data Applications System NASA/GSFC 
Code 902, NASA/GSFC 
Greenbelt, Md. 20771 

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