Full text: Proceedings of ISP Commission 1 symposium on data acquisition and improvement of image quality and image geometry

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cameras to known environments. It will be directed toward aerial surveyors 
and those concerned with obtaining high quality imagery and known geometry. 
It is obvious that there is no single nor simple solution and there may 
be no complete correction for today's extreme survey environments. For 
the present, however, it is suggested that these photogrammetrists become 
familiar with the environments that affect imagery, determining what condi- 
tions of vibration temperature, and pressure will apply to their individual 
surveys. By using Carman's and Meier's analyses, they should be able to 
estimate the magnitude of possible changes and their importance to their 
own projects. With such knowledge and evaluations it should be possible to 
take steps which will reduce the variables. The question of "what to 
do" is probably best answered by those in position to make improvements, 
the pilots, the photographers, the flight managers. WG-3 would welcome 
suggestions and would like to receive particulars from those who are 
able to effect improvement of flight environments of mapping camera. 
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