Full text: Proceedings of ISP Commission 1 symposium on data acquisition and improvement of image quality and image geometry

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Camera x! z! x! 71 
systematic systematic maximum irregular errors 
errors errors 
1 0.3/step 0.1/step + 6 + 2 
2 0.0/step 0.2/step + 2 + 4 
3 0.2/step 0.0/step + 5 +4 
The amounts given are micrometer units. 
Those types of cameras which are invariably adjusted for a fixed e 
close range (SMK) or which have not the possibility of setting to "oo" ¢ e 
are photographically calibrated with the multicollimator. With the 
smallest diaphragm aperture the image quality will be sufficient for 
the measurement on the Ascorecord, 
Mention should finally be made that equation (2) may be regarded as 
sufficiently valid for & zone of sharpness which for the UMK is dis- 
tinguished by & deviation ofr 0.4 mm from the Gaussian image plane 
and for the SMK by a corresponing amount of + 0.8 mm. 
À report is given on the photogrammetric taking lenses developed in 
VEB Carl Zeiss JENA and their characteristic properties. Then the 
calibration techniques for the individual camera types and related 
aspects are dealt with. 
[1] Berek, M., Grundlagen der praktischen Optik, m 
Verlag von Walter de Gruyter & Co. Berlin/Leipzig 1930 
[2| Russinow, M.M., Über die Orthoskopie dezentrierter aerophoto- 
grammetrischer Objektive, 
Papers of the Central Scientific Research Institute, Edition 
122, 1957 
3! Wirtz, G., Zickler, A., Messungen der Modulationsübertragung ,£ür 
das Weitwinkel-Luftbildobjektiv Lamegon PI 445/150, 
Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen 35(1967) 
|4| vürtz, G., Bildgüteeigenschaften der neuen Luftbildobjektive des 
VEB Carl Zeiss JENA, 
Presented Paper Int, Symp. on Photointerpretation 1970, reden 
i5] Würtz, G., Geráte unà Verfahren zur Kalibrierung von Luf:ibildme8- 
kemmern in Jena, Presented Paper at the Xth Congr. Photorramme- 
try 1964, Commission I 

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