Full text: Proceedings of ISP Commission 1 symposium on data acquisition and improvement of image quality and image geometry

REIN SE phy esent yen t 2 
The large decentered lens distortion of the Pleogon lens is also 
reflected in a distance between the principal point of autocollimation 
and the point of best symmetry of approximately 50 jum, while this 
distance is approximately 7 um for the Super-Aviogon lens. 
9 3 
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y WY YY 
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Gi gum Ere 0 16 9 15cm 
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-10 o 
o 48 49 31 18 7 
o 40 40 33 2 10 
Fig.5 Average radial lens distortion (calibration 
no. 4b, [11]) 
- circles: Super-Aviogon no. 15 UAg R-10 
— dots: Pleogon no. 98222 
- numbers at bottom: number of averaged 
data points 

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