Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

(AB3 - 1)? — min. (3) 
with A — design matrix 
P = weight matrix 
1 = observation vector 
In a combined adjustment of radiometric and geometric data, 
(Weisensee, 2000), a 3D point from any kind of measuring 
device gives rise to an error equation of a geometric pseudo- 
1 1 . 
Vzp 7 3. o ag (X p. Yp): Zjj - Zp (4) 
i=0 j=0 
expanding the condition to the solution to 
AB HA Pech) min. (5) 
Depending on the respective measurement task an adequate 
accuracy for a 3D point has to be kept. The resolution of a 
geometric description of a surface also depends on this task. For 
the experiments made here a representation of object surfaces in 
a grid of 1 mm size has been chosen. 
As different sensors acquire a surface independently from 
different positions and in separate systems, the relation between 
those systems has to be re-established by some means. Here, a 
global registration has been determined using control points on 
the objects. These control points have been established in the 
photogrammetric bundle adjustment and do not represent a 
reference system of higher accuracy. From this follows that no 
statement can be made on absolute accuracy of surface 
acquisition. Instead, different systems are to be registered 
relatively, giving the opportunity to judge the results on a 
relative basis. 
For this, approaches which minimise the square difference 
between irregularly spaced point clouds by a spatial 
transformation are readily at hand, e.g. given by (Besl & Mc 
Kay, 1992), and are already integrated in the processing of 
stripe projector data, (GOM, 2002). 
In special cases where a surface can be modelled by a 2 1/2 D 
approach, the mathematical model of registration can be 
simplified because only the square difference in z-direction is to 
be minimised. This model has been illustrated by (Heipke et al., 
2002) and is used here. 
The following table shows the offset values and their standard 
deviations between the surfaces reconstructed by 
photogrammetric methods and the stripe projecting system. For 
the first test surface also the differences to CAD-data are given. 
3.1 Combined adjustment 
After applying registration offsets in a first iteration several 
computations have been performed with different weights for 
3D points and intensity measuments respectively. The following 
cases have been considered. First, the overall sum of all weights 
of 3D points has been choosen equally to the weights of all 
image data, i. e. 100/100. Then, the weight of 3D points is 
reduced in three steps. In Table 2 the resulting mean differences 
with their standard deviations and the minimum and maximum 
differences between the computation with weights from 
100/100 to 1/100 are shown for the test surface. Table 3 shows 
the same results for the concrete tile. 
factor ' Z mean standard minimum maximum 
[mm] deviation 
100/100 -0.0021 0.0023 -4.6235 2.7354 
50/100 -0.0018 0.0025 -4.6471 3.5491 
10/100 -0.0015 0.0026 -4.6961 4.4104 
1/100 -0.0016 0.0027 -4.6769 4.8409 
Table 2. Results — test surface 
factor Z mean standard minimum maximum 
[mm] deviation 
100/100 -0.4152 0.0066 -10.8729 14.5787 
50/100 -0.4373 0.0073 -11.1835 16.8064 
10/100 -0.4725 0.0081 -11.5396 19.1585 
1/100 -0.4791 0.0085 -11.4268 19.5025 
test surface concrete surface 
correction | standard | correction | standard 
[mm] deviation [mm] deviation 
[mm] [mm] 
Fast Vision 30.0095 0.0024 -0.0453 0.0014 
Correlation +0.0309 0.0014 -0.3348 0.0097 
CAD-data -0.2085 0.0004 = — 
Table 1. Registration offsets 
Table 3. Results — concrete surface 
Figure 6. Colour coded model of concrete surface 
fig. 6, 
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