process must be
In this study, we
f the mechanical
)bject space. The
ect under control.
> configuration of
t the condition of
k is to achieve a
ible to direct this
etween the image
nmetric treatment
ic analysis of the
matching by least-
we applied for the
f the block defined
itended to provide
with several fields
ape and dimension
e the physical field linked to the recording of information
based on meta-data (geometric and semantic).
e the optical field which allows treatments by comparison.
Hence, photogrammetry is an indirect measurement technique
of objects recorded in the form of photographic perspectives.
Thus the image of the object tends to replace the object itself as
a data carrier during the actual measurement.
2 Models in Digital Photogrammetry
Digital photogrammetry has existed since 1980, through an
adapted instrumentation and various models of restitutors were
presented at the congress of Ottawa [3]. The suggestion of
interesting solutions in terms of cost / effectiveness, amongst
which the use of a PC type platform, appears to be appropriate
for most applications [4]. The aim of this work is to determine
by the calculation the external elements of two perspective
beams, using points known on the object, and of points of
connections common to both beams.
Analytical restitution leads to specific determinations by
exploiting the measurements made directly in the plan of the
plate. The object point / image point correspondence is done
analytically applying mathematical relations. Depending on
whether the photogrammetric unit is the beam or the model, one
of the two following conditions is applied:
e colinearity
e coplanarity
the characteristics of a restitutor on PC are close to those
required of a video game, and so it is worth looking closely into
the programming techniques, since different applications [5]
pose different problems regarding the acquisition of three
dimensional co-ordinates and their stereoscopic visualization.
2-1- Equation of Colinearity
The problem arising from this condition is to find a rotation
which makes the image vector Om and the object vector OM
collinear, figure (1). If K indicates the scale factor relating to
point M, the following relation will occur:
x X-X,
yl-kR | Y-—Y, (1)
-C Z-20
Figure 1 : Co linearity Condition
2-2 Equation of Coplanarity
The problem to be treated is no other than that of the formation
of the image - analytical model, i.e. the realization of the
relative orientation and it results in:
l. Finding the rotation matrices R, and R;.
2. Or finding the rotation matrix R; and the translations
according to axes which make the three vectors coplanar, as
defined in figure (2) below:
The base b=0,0,
The homologous rays: O;m; and O,m,
Zi Yi
Figure 2: Coplanarity condition
If the left perspective center O, is taken as origin, the vectors
co-ordinates will then be:
O;O,, Om,, Om,
b. X. x +b |
0,0,=|by| Om =|y |;0m =|y.b
bz Z Zz +b
In mathematical terms, the condition of coplanarity is expressed
in the equation (2):
b b. b
X, Y, z 1=0 (2)
x tb y +b z +b
In order to restore the object, either the beam unit or the model
unit may be chosen, but it is necessary to make the correction of
the plate coordinates which must be used to realise the different
2-3- DLT Approach
The direct linear transformation method (D.L.T.) of the co-
ordinates comparator with the ground co-ordinates, figure (3)
was developed in [1]. It is based on the following pair of