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There are some preconditions to spatial object reconstruction.
The sensor has to be mathematically modelled, hence the
imaging properties have to be known. Additionally, two or more
images, of which the orientation parameters have to be supplied
are required to derive three dimensional coordinates. These
requirements raise two difficulties: First, ways to achieve
different point of views have to be found, since it is impossible
to move the microscope around the sample. Second, an object
that serves as a calibration standard has to be used. Also for
implementation, the calibration standard should approximately
match the object size of later samples. Chapter 2.2 will
introduce the nano positioning tilting table as a solution to the
first obstacle. The recently developed microscopic calibration
standard will be shown in chapter 2.3.
When using magnifications of 1000x and higher in the SEM,
parallel projection can be assumed (Hemmleb, 2001).
Therefore, not only the interior and exterior orientation
parameters will change, but also the mathematic approach to
compute them. Details will be explained in chapter 3.
2.1 The Scanning Electron Microscope
An electron beam generated on top of the microscope is
accelerated with up to several thousand volts. Using a system of
electronic lenses and coils, the beam is focused in the
microscope column and scanned over a chosen area of the
sample surface. The important signal component consists of so-
called secondary electrons (SE), which are generated within the
sample surface when hit by the electron beam. As the exit depth
of SE is rather small, they carry high-resolution information. A
positively charged detector collects the secondary electrons
emitted at any scan position. According to the SE intensity at a
given scan position, an analogous signal is generated and sent to
a cathode ray tube, the screen. Mostly SE are responsible for the
topographic contrast in SEM images as used here. This results
mainly from the dependence of the SE yield on the tilt angle of
the local surface normal relative to the incident beam.
The shorter wavelength of electrons compared to visual light
allows a resolution in the nanometer range. In combination with
the introduced advantages, like depth of focus and good signal-
to-noise ratio, SEM images are very interesting to
photogrammetric applications. The law of projection to be
applied is depending on the magnification. While the scanning
electron beam can be considered as central projective, is should
be interpreted as parallel projective above a magnification of
1000x and more. The consequences to the mathematical models
will be explained in chapters 2.3 and chapter 3.
2.2 The Nano Positioning Tilting Table
We already mentioned the necessity to simulate different points
of view in order to derive 3D coordinates. As the specimen is
positioned inside the vacuum chamber of the microscope, it is in
a way a part of the microscope itself. In this special case, we are
not able to move the camera around the object. Instead, we have
to tilt the sample along a rotation axis in order to allow views
from different positions. Due to the fact that the field of view in
an SEM is extremely small, any translation of the sample is
unwanted. Rotating the sample, respectively the sample stage,
may result easily in a translation motion, if the area of interest is
not positioned within the rotation axis, the so-called eucentric
axis, as shown in fig.l. Therefore, a way to very accurately
move the sample into the eucentric axis had to be found.
| € | axis
c) | d)
Figure 1. The effects of rotating a sample variously positioned
with regard to the rotation axis: Situation a) and c) show a
shifting along the z-axis, resulting in problems to the focus. The
sample is displaced along the x-axis from the rotation axis in
situation b) and c), causing the area of interest to exit the field
of view. In situation d) finally, only the tilting of the sample
will be observed.
A nano positioning tilting table has recently been developed to
reliably move the sample into the desired position as depicted in
Figure 1.d), even at magnifications higher than 50000x. The
dimensions of the microscopes vacuum chamber limit the
design of the tilting table. Figure 2 shows an actual photograph
of the table. To give an idea of the table's dimension, a 10 Euro-
Cent coin has been placed next to the table, in the lower right
corner of the image.
Figure 2. Photograph of the positioning tilting table, showing
the rotation axis (red), the translation axes (blue) and enhancing
the actual sample stage (green).
With this nano-positioning tool, the operator of the microscope
is able to move the area of interest interactively into the desired
position. However, despite the accuracy and reliability of the
positioning table it remains an iterative process, challenging the
operators patience.