shadows and occluding objects (e.g. cars, trees, lamp posts) has
to be reduced, if not completely eliminated.
The issues discussed in this paper refer to the process of
extracting 3D line features to complete the required 3D model.
Details on the 3D reconstruction procedure to obtain the rough
(topologically structured model) can be found in (Zlatanova &
van den Heuvel, 2001) and (Vermeij & Zlatanova, 2001).
Details on the topological organisation of the 3D model in
relational DBMS are given in (Zlatanova, 2001).
Since the UbiCom system aims at serving a walking person, the
concentration is basically on 3D features visible from a street
level, i.e. details on facades and on the terrain surface. This
paper focuses on the reconstruction of details on facades. Our
approach to extract 3D line features is based on two
assumptions: 1) 3D rough geometry of the buildings of interest
is available (e.g. Figure 1) and 2) the orientation parameters of
the images are known. The 3D rough model can be obtained
following different approaches: 3D automatic (Suveg &
Vosselman, 2002) or semi-automatic (Vermeij & Zlatanova,
2001) reconstructing procedures or by extruding footprints of
buildings from topographic maps (e.g. in ArcView, ESRI). In
order to achieve the requirements for decimetre accuracy of the
UbiCom project, we have reconstructed manually the 3D
facades within the test area by using the commercial software
PhotoModeller (Zlatanova & van den Heuvel, 2001). The
facades through which knowledge on the “depth” of the 3D line
features is introduced, support the 3D line feature extraction.
38$ Netscape T |
Figure 2: Rough 3D model, i.e. walls represented as rectangles
The interior and exterior orientation parameters of the images
have to be available as well. In our case, we use the parameters
obtained in the process of manual reconstruction, i.e. obtained
by an integrated least-squares adjustment of all
photogrammetric measurements in close-range and aerial
images (Zlatanova & van den Heuvel, 2001).
The procedure for 3D line extraction can be separated into the
following general steps: edge detection, projection of edges on
the rough 3D model and back projection on the next image,
edge matching, and computation of the end points of the
matched 3D edges.
Edge detection: The edge detection utilises the line-growing
algorithm proposed in (Foerstner, 1994), i.e. edges (straight
lines) are extracted by grouping adjacent pixels with similar
gradient directions and fitting a line through them. After
calculating the gradients, the line-growing algorithm selects the
pixel with the strongest gradient as a starting pixel (the normal
of the edge through this pixel is determined by the grey value
gradient). Then, if a pixel is eight-connected to a pixel of
already classified ones and has a gradient that is perpendicular
to the edge, it is added to the area that describes the line. The
direction and the position of the edge are re-computed using the
first and the second moments of the pixels in the edge area. The
process continues until no more pixels can be added to the edge.
This algorithm is performed on all the images that contain the
facade of interest. The outlines of the façade (available from the
3D rough model) are used to restrict the search area to only
those edges that represent features on the facades. Only edges
that fall within the area enclosed by the borders of the facade
are considered for further processing.
Detected —¥.
Projected edges.
from image 1
onto image 2
Detected ——3
Image 1
s Image 2
Projection center 1 Projection ANN
Figure 3: Knowledge-based edge projection
Edge projection on sequential images: Next, all the selected
edges from the first image are projected onto the second image
by applying intermediate projection onto the facade in 3D
space. This is to say that the rays passing through the end-points
of an edge (of images 1) and the projection centre 1 intersect
the 3D plane of the facade into two 3D points that give the
position of the edge in 3D space. This edge is back projected
onto the second images, i.e. the rays passing through the 3D
end-points of the edge and projection centre 2 are intersected
with the image plane 2 (see Figure 3). Thus, image 2 contains
already two sets of edges, i.e. projected and detected ones.
Indeed, the two sets contain a different number of edges with
slightly different position and a length that can vary
considerably. The systematic shift in the position is influenced
by the accuracy of the facade and the quality of the exterior
orientation of the images, while the length of the detected edges
depends on the parameters set for the edge detection
Edge matching: To match the projected and detected edges, we
apply four constraints. The first one is related to the distance
between projected and detected edges. A search algorithm looks
for matching candidates within an area of interest (buffer)
defined as a rectangle around the projected edge. The second
constraint takes into account the number of endpoints (one or
two) of a detected edge that are located within the buffer. The
detected edges from the second image that have at least one
endpoint falling in the buffer are considered as candidates. The
third criterion filters the candidates with respect to the angle
between detected and projected edges. The fourth and last
constraint refers to the length of the two matched edges, i.e. the
difference between the two lengths should not be greater than a
reasonable threshold. Among all the candidates, the edge that
matches best is selected. Note, that an edge from image 1 may
be matched with more than one edge from image 2.