image quality, method of extraction, and
line length).
o The quality of interior and exterior
e The imaging geometry. Mainly the angle between
the planes is of importance for interpretation plane
In the example of section 3 the angle between the interpretation
planes of two corresponding horizontal lines is very small due
to the fact that the line between the two projection centres is
also horizontal and parallel to the building. Indeed the
horizontal 3D lines show large errors (Figure 12). In
conclusion, before intersection the angle between interpretation
planes has to be checked for an acceptable minimum value.
In order to avoid loosing many lines as in the example, rules of
thumb have to be formulated for the image acquisition. For
example, images taken at different height levels would improve
significantly the intersections in section 3. Two other solutions
can be chosen as well. Firstly, the 3D lines that result from bad
intersections can be positioned in the a priori object plane when
the precision of the plane position is better than the (depth)
precision of the intersection. Secondly, the projections of
horizontal and vertical edges of the building could be linked
when their endpoints are only a few pixels apart, assuming that
their intersection corresponds to a point on the building. Then
the four related interpretation planes (two for the horizontal and
two for the vertical edge) could be intersected using least-
squares adjustment (van den Heuvel, 1999). More general, this
adjustment involves a number of interpretation planes that
equals the number of images (possibly more than two, see next
section) times the number of linked edges.
4.3 Multiple image matching
In the current approach, the intersection of the two
interpretation planes is not redundant. Reliability can be
obtained by taking into consideration one or more additional
interpretation planes utilising more images. In general, the
quality of the intersected 3D line in terms of precision and
reliability improves with each additional image in which the
same object edge is extracted. Furthermore, the quality of the
matching improves, i.e. the number of erroneous matches is
expected to drop. Whilst in close-range photogrammetry
considerable research efforts have been directed to multiple
image point matching (Maas, 1992), multiple image line
matching is still insufficiently explored. In this respect we
consider the image line matching a promising topic for future
We have presented our preliminary results on 3D line extraction
to provide line features needed for the accurate positioning for
an augmented reality application. Although the approach was
inspired by the 3D model reconstruction procedures applied
within the UbiCom project, it contributes to the more general
research on 3D line extraction. The obtained results exhibit a
number of positive findings as the edge matching is concerned.
Further research has to be carried out for improving the
interpretation plane intersections to obtain the 3D line feature
parameters. Utilisation of multiple images should be one of the
first steps towards improvement.
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