model has located to its original location with coordinate trans-
formation. On the lower right corner of Figure 8, an axial profile contours
projected on to a plane is shown. In Figure 9, the same skin
model has been obtained by volume rendering. Here composite
technique has been used,
ray casting
Figure 6. Brain and tumour
These surface models can be clipped from desired locations
with implicit functions or with another surface model. In Figure
7, brain model has clipped with a plane and the final clipped
parts are shown.
ray casting.
pped part and test part of surach : Glipped gar ot suocu:
Figure 7. Clipping brain in two parts
The clipped parts of the brain are also surface models. So, every
kind of the processing operations can be performed on these
parts too. All of the above models have been produced from
axial MR images.
In figure 8, skin surface model is shown. This model has ob- In Figure 11 maximum intensity projection of Figure 10 volume
tained from saggital CT slices. is shown.
Piano Parametors
i 54.150 jo 346 [6.1242
| Normals (xy 7)
Figure 8. Skin surface model and an axial profile
254 -
Figure 9. Volume model of skin
Figure 10 shows interior parts of brain with shaded composite
Figure 10. Interior brain volume model
Figure 11. Maximum intensity projection