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That is, searching for the corresponding points is performed in
the vicinity £ of the epipolar lines. Now, we consider three
cameras with distinct optical centres C;, C; and C; (making the
trifocal plane) before image planes R;, R; and R;, respectively
(Fig. 3). Given a physical point M, its image m; on camera i is
defined as the intersection of line MC; with an image plane i.
Points m;, m; and m; form a triplet of homologous image
points. Any triplet (m;,m;m;) is such that m; lie at the
intersection of the epipolar lines L;; and L; defined by the two
other image points m; and my.
Considering the epipolar line, represented by F;3m,, of m; and
the one, represented by Fm», of m; in the third image, if those
two vectors are nonzero, i.e. if they do represent lines, and if
they are not proportional, i.e. if they do not represent the same
line, we can predict their point of intersection m; which is the
image of the point of intersection M of the two optical rays of
m, and m; via the following transfer (Fig. 3):
m; € Fm, x Fj4m» (6)
Figure 3. The Trifocal Arrangement
Thus, the search for corresponding points can be theoretically
reduced by a simple check at the intersection of two epipolar
lines in the third image.
3.1.2 Ambiguities
The procedure that we used in MEDPHOS reduces the
probability of the ambiguities drastically, but not totally.
Depending on the number of detected points per image, the
system configuration, the accuracy of the measurements, the
pattern projected, the quality of the imaging system, and
complexity and depth extension of the object, a problem of
ambiguities may occur. The fact that a feature in one image
may match equally well with a number of features in the other
images is referred to as the Fake Target Problem (Fig. 4).
1% Candidate Set 2" Candidate Set
Figure 4. The fake target problem for 2 images.
Among the matches, we may find two types of outliers due to
e False Matches. The accuracy in the establishment of
correspondences depends on the validity of heuristics.
e Bad Locations. The location error of a point of interest is
assumed to exhibit Gaussian behaviour. This assumption is
reasonable as long as the error in localisation for points is
small, otherwise, accuracy of the estimation will be
severely degraded.
Moreover, there might be some missing matches due to
e photometric differences (illumination, reflectance,...)
e texture properties of the scene (repetitions)
e non equal coverage of the cameras
e occlusions
e weakness of matching primitive
e distortions in the feature extraction process
3.1.3 Disambiguating
Disambiguating of the correspondences in MEDPHOS is
accomplished by applying a set of auxiliary constraints that
make up a cost function, supporting some matches and possibly
inhibiting others. For finding an optimal solution,
(dis)similarity of the attributes and the consistency of the
correspondences have to be weighted properly. Detection of
false hypotheses is based on using graph theory, allowing a
rigorous evaluation of the matches under the assumption of the
geometric and photometric relationships that exist between
images and by solving a minimum weighted matching problem.
Only hypotheses consistent with that relationship will be
accepted. The applicable auxiliary constraints are:
Compatibility Constraint : Similarity of invariant attributes of
the points, e.g. information content in the vicinity, local
contrast of the point, etc.
If I,(p), I;(p)and I;(p) are the local contrast intensity values at
position P in the three images, the cost of that matching can be
defined as:
A Lip) - D0)D (7)
E(p) = max(\I,(p) - I»(p)
If the point is affected by specular reflectance or occluded in
one or more of the images, then the error will be large and
consequently the point will be null matched by this cost
Uniqueness Constraint : The primitive of an image may have at
most one homologous primitive in the other image(s) provided
the object is opaque.
Disparity Gradient Constraint : The disparity of a point is
supposed to be similar to the disparity of the nearby points.
Topological Constraint : Assumes the preservation of the order
of matched points along the corresponding epipolar lines unless
the scene contains transparent objects.
Euclidean Distances : Of each potential corresponding point to
the epipolar line in the 2" image and of each candidate to the
predicted location in the 3" image.
Consistency : Checking for the precision of multiple-image
forward intersection in the object space.
The quality of a match between a set of elements is given by
the weighted sum of the magnitude of the feature attribute
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