Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

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height Yo through Eq. (4) from known widths AX (measured by 
tape with an estimated accuracy of +2 cm). The final result was 
Yo = 1.937 m with a standard deviation o — 42.7 cm. It is noted 
that the actual camera height above the ground was about 1.8 m. 
As pointed out above, the estimated Y, value is subject to frame 
affinity (which here was about 8%). Subsequently, a total of 30 
frames from ten different roads were chosen for assessing width 
estimation from Eq. (4) against tape measurement. Fig. 4 shows 
typical frames used for calibration and evaluation. 
Figure 4. Video frames used for calibration and evaluation. 
On every frame, separate Ax measurements were taken at five 
different y-levels on the image, and their corresponding ground 
widths were computed. The five AX estimates from each frame 
were treated individually, giving a mean difference and an RMS 
difference r from the corresponding reference AX values. For 
the five measurements on each image the standard deviation c 
was also computed. The overall results are presented in Table 5, 
whereby d denotes the absolute mean difference. 
Table 5. Lane width accuracy from 30 frames 
mean difference RMS difference standard deviation 
d - 2.3 cm r=4.7 cm o — £3.8cm 
The above results are considered as satisfactory since individual 
measurements of lane width are expected to have an accuracy r 
better than 5 cm (the largest RMS difference was 7.1 cm), while 
lane widths typically differ in steps of 25 cm. Image measuring 
errors and small uncorrected parts of o-tilts, causing perspective 
distortions, are considered as the main sources of inaccuracy, as 
expressed in the repeatability o of measurement. Obviously, an 
averaged width from more than one estimates per frame is gene- 
rally expected to be closer to ground truth (d in Table 5). With 
this camera, reliable measurements were possible within a depth 
range of about 10—25 m in front of the vehicle. 
It is clear that the reported accuracy characterises the particular 
setup used, depending primarily on image resolution and scale. 
Any other setup needs to be accordingly evaluated. On the other 
hand, accuracy is practically independent of road slope, as the 
camera axis is generally assumed to follow this slope, and small 
relative tilts are corrected by means of the vanishing points. It 
must be pointed out, however, that the validity of the approach 
holds only for the object plane on which the vehicle proceeds. 
In case of variable superelevation rates among lanes, the results 
are valid only for the lane on which the camera platform moves. 
As mentioned already, this approach has been widely used on a 
routine basis (Psarianos et al., 2001). A different camera was 
employed here, separately calibrated as regards its height Yo. In 
Fig. 6 frames of this application are shown. 
Figure 6. Typical video frames used in the actual application. 
The task was to develop a simple method for measuring vehicle 
speed, a crucial variable when studying the traffic character of a 
freeway to produce ‘fundamental diagrams’. Actually, the 
traffic diagrams used in Greece stem from other countries, thus 
being rather inconsistent with the road conditions in this country 
and the temperament of its drivers. 
Vehicle speed measurements on congested highways using an 
uncalibrated camera have already been reported (Dailey et al., 
2000; Pumrin & Dailey, 2002). In these cases, the mean vehicle 
dimensions were used for scaling purposes; thus, only estimates 
for time-averaged mean vehicle speed were obtained. Contrary 
to this, the task here was to measure the speed of individual cars 
in order to obtain detailed information on speed distribution. 
3.1 Full projective transformation with control points 
The images used here had been acquired for a previous study of 
the traffic character of freeways (Chorianopoulos, 2001). 
Traffic flow had been recorded from a 10 m high structure over 
a freeway with three lanes in each stream. A digital video came- 
ra was used on different occasions, looking centrally along the 
axis of one stream with a certain downward tilt against the hori- 
zontal. The time interval between successive frames, whose 
dimensions were 768 x 576, was known as 25 frames/sec. Thus, 
speed in all three lanes could be estimated simply by measuring 
the vehicle translation between frames (here again assuming flat 
In order to measure distances covered by cars between frames, 
Chorianopoulos (2001) has applied full 2D—2D projective trans- 
formation based on ground control points to assess the potential 
of a conventional photogrammetric approach. Using 20 geodetic 
control points, adjustments for the 8 projective coefficients had 
RMS errors not larger than 20 cm. One out of about every ten 
frames were used for each vehicle to provide an average of six 
successive speed estimates within an actual distance of about 75 
m. Among the numerous cars having crossed the field of view 
in the two full hours of recording, several hundreds of them 
were measured. The overall standard deviation of o = +2 km/h 
(assuming constant speed) is considered as very satisfactory and 
represents the estimated precision of individual measurements. 
Mean speeds for each vehicle are expected to be more accurate. 
Indeed, the accuracy of photogrammetric speed estimation was 
evaluated against speed measurements using a GPS system on a 
moving vehicle which was imaged three times. The differences 
of mean speeds were below 1 km/h. These experiments indicate 
the potential of single image metrology. Yet, simpler procedures 
with no need for control points are obviously required. 
3.2 Affine transformation for 1D measurements 
3.2.1 Affine rectification from two vanishing points Once the 
image horizon of a plane is defined, the affine properties of this 
image can be recovered. A horizon line is commonly identified 

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