miu Menem OM
Figure 3. Three-Dimensional Model of
Zeyrek Urban Historic Quarter
Housing Unit
| Commercial-Retail
Religious-M osque
Educational Facility
Health Service
Figure 4. Townscape Analysis of Building Uses in
Zeyrek Urban Historic Quarter
Zeyrek is located in Historical Peninsula of Istanbul on northern
coast of Golden Horn. In 1983 Zeyrek, as a quarter of Istanbul
was included in the World Heritage List because of historical,
aesthetical an architectural characteristics. Most important
monument of the site is Mosque of Zeyrek that had been
Monastery of Christ Pantokrator on Byzantium Period. Variety
on cultural structure of the site is reflected to urban space.
Zeyrek has traditional organic pattern that is constituted with
authentic timber Turkish houses (Figure 2).
2.1 Documentation of the Data about Townscape on CAD
Urban design and conservation projects that involve survey and
analysis by using-dimensional data have been used as main
references (GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran, TEZER, Azime,
YiGITER, Reyhan; 2001.), (KARAMAN, Aykut; 1993). Other
documentation technique is survey of urban historic quarter.
2.2 Three-Dimensional Modeling of Townscape
Computer aided three-dimensional model gives many facilities
and opportunities to be used preserve townscape. This model
represents observation on many view ports with various range
of scales. Being the aim of this study this model constitutes the
base of survey and application studies in urban conservation of
Three-dimensional modeling of existing townscape is achieved
by AutoCAD 2000 (Figure 3). In the process of modeling, the
data such as three-dimensional coordinates that is the location
on “x,y,z” coordinates of topography, streets and buildings.
Data on facade is formed within references that is mentioned in
previous part (Documentation of the Data about Townscape on
2.3 Survey of Zeyrek Urban Historic Quarter
In the survey and townscape analysis of Zeyrek Urban Historic
Quarter three-dimensional data can be legible. So each
townscape parameters that are framed on conceptual evaluation
of urban space are considered on this model.
Within the survey of Zeyrek Urban Historic Quarter, three-
dimensional anaysis of Building Uses, Building Condition,
Building Construction Material, Ownership, Building
Occupancy, Listed Buildings have been developed. In this paper
Analysis of Building Uses and Listed Buildings are presented
(Figure 4 and 5).
On the computer aided urban model data of each building is
constructed on “layer” properties on computer-aided design.
Render application is used to create analysis and then output is
converted to jpeg format to get the use on a image output.