Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

Robot Model 
Real robot 
: Inverse i ; int 
Desired 3- s Drive 5 Axes Forward True 
D Pose Transform Control Drive Transform 3D 
ation ation Pose 
Axe Position 
2 Real Robot Pose 
! Measurement 
———————————————————— 4 
Figure 1 Robot Control Loop 
The work flow for measuring the real robot pose by using the 
resection or the forward intersection process is very similar. 
Figure 2 gives an overview of this process. On the right side 
the work flow of the real-time process is displayed. The 
camera calibration (Section 4.1) and the hand-eye-calibration 
(Section 5) are done during the initialisation of the system. 
The hand-eye-calibration is obligatory for the coordinate 
transformation from the camera system to the robot system. 
| | Camera calibrati 
| | 1 
| | | 
| ll | 
| | Hand-Eye-Calbralion-- 9d — Compute robot pose | 
| [^| | 
Figure 2 Work Flow 
The real-time process starts with grabbing of the images. If 
images are available, targets have to be identified as 
described in section 4.2. After transforming the measured 
image coordinates of the targets into the ideal image 
coordinate system (section 4.1) the resection process (section 
4.3) or the forward intersection process (section 4.4) can be 
used to get the camera pose in relationship to the test field 
coordinate system. To get the camera pose in association to 
the robot system a normal coordinate transformation by using 
the parameter from the hand-eye-calibration is done. 
Before exactly describing the work flow, some remarks 
concerning robot control loop and some investigations in 
finding the absolute accuracy of the robot are necessary. 
Figure 1 shows typical components of a robot control unit. 
Starting from a given pose in 3D space, the inverse 
transformation is used to compute values for all joints. In this 
transformation, a model of the real robot is used for all 
constants regarding translation and rotation offsets in the 
links and joints. Those constants are known from the robot 
design, however they are subject to manufacturing tolerances. 
The computed joint values are set and the forward transform 
is performed by the actual (real) robot. In order to control the 
movement of the robot, control loops exist which consist of 
axes measurement devices such as rotational encoders and a 
feedback to the drive control. Since these loops do not 
include the inverse or forward transform, they are not able to 
compensate for differences between the assumed and actual 
link and joint constants. 
Using an additional measurement system in order to obtain 
the true 3-D pose of the robot end effector, an external 
control loop can be built (see Figure 1). The differences 
between required and actual pose can be used to estimate the 
constants of the robot model employed in the inverse 
transform. As there is usually quite a large number of 
constants, many robot poses have to be measured in order to 
obtain enough observations for a parameter estimation. This 
is done for example during a factory calibration of industrial 
robots. After calibration the obtained parameters are norr 
alterable. Errors which do not occur during calibration will be 
disregarded later. 
For this experiment we used a KUKA KR 125/2 industrial 
robot which is able to handle loads of up to 125 kg and has a 
reach of 2410 millimetres. The manufacturer specifies a 
repeatability of better than +0.2 mm. The robot is used 
mainly for automotive production and packing tasks. 
The robot moves to six uniformly distributed positions in his 
working cell. After that the moves are repeated in the inverse 
order. In the table, the deviations of the position and 
orientation of the end effector are itemized. The second 
column contains the reached accuracy in the determination of 
the deviations. The statements of the deviations in x, y and =

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