19" century.
— 1 I
4 ode : 5 a T $e
Bauakademie, originally constructed under Schinkel in the
F igure 1: Images of the reconstructed corner of the destroyed
e Apparent identity of repeated features on facades, like
brick edges.
e Large differences in the images due to different points
of view.
e Large differences in the images due to different image
acquisition times.
e Large differences in the images due to different
backgrounds along edges of the discontinuous
| Feature based matching techniques may also be mentioned. But ee
| also feature based matching approaches may fail due to one or Fig
| more of the following reasons:
e Insufficiently sharp defined features
e Apparent identity of repeated features det
e Different distribution of features due different points par:
of view rest
| e Horizontal linear features are difficult to determine the
| due to images acquired from the same height. and
| bety
To cope these challenges a few principles have to be used in | acq
image matching techniques. One is to use a hierarchical
matching approach. An other principle is to start from a
building model consisting of plane faces and maximum positive
and negative deviations from these planes. This data may be
derived from a sketch or a preliminary CAD model.
It is recommended to use at least pre-oriented images which
allows an object space Least Squares Matching (LSM) (Helava
1988). The orientation of architectural images is usually not a
big problem and may be based on interactive measurement of a
few control points and about 10-20 tie points per image. At |
least two control or tie points per facade should allow the
definition of the usually vertical projection planes.
Figure 2: DSM derived from a CAD Model
1.4 Problems of Image Matching Techniques
Image matching seems to be a suitable solution. But the area
based matching approach fails in a lot of situations due to one
or more of the following reasons:
2.1 Knowledge on the Surface Structure
e Lack of texture on facades, especially on plastered :
faces, The knowledge of the orientation parameters and approximate
building boundaries allows the limitation of search areas, the