there is no texture
also not an option.
detect the overall
an extracting single
ape is more robust
ion by trees, cars,
nto the scene. The
ition for its overall
CAD model of the
according to the
n how to select the
Fritsch 2001). The
ict the silhouette of
on is then detected
| for a given exte-
nsform (GHT) to
"Work for both the
sional shapes in
tect the shape no
illy even scaled in
sedom, since the
litionally the GHT
viation, which is
1g is only a coarse
in the image.
rm (Hough, 1962)
es or circles in an
n of the Hough
‘as a function of a
on of that concept
a simple analytic
e edge magnitude
ase, which has to
so-called R-table
s selected usually
stance vector r of
vith respect to its
n the R-table. Of
re can be several
is performed, all
1. For each edge
y in the R-table,
which possibly holds several, vectors ri. These vectors
correspond to positions in the image, which receive a vote. The
position in the image receiving the most votes at the end is
selected as the position of the shape in the image.
If the orientation of the object is allowed to vary, as is the case
in our application, a separate R-table has to be computed for
each discrete rotation angle. The same is true for scaling. Thus
the formation of the R-tables in our case is quite complex and
computationally expensive.
Figure 3: Properties of a single edge pixel P as recorded in the
framework of the Generalized Hough Transform.
For our implementation we made use of the HALCON image
processing environment, which provides a shape detection
mechanism based on the GHT (Ulrich, et. al. 2001). In order to
compensate for the computational costs of large R-tables, this
operator includes several modifications to the original GHT.
For example it uses a hierarchical strategy generating image
pyramids to reduce the size of the tables. By transferring
approximation values to the next pyramid level the search space
is drastically reduced.
The result of the GHT is a two-dimensional similarity
transformation consisting of translation, rotation and scale. This
transformation corrects for the misalignment of the shape to its
actual appearance in the image. In other words for each three-
dimensional point of the original CAD model rendered to the
two dimensional image we can use the transformation to correct
its location in the image.
3.1 Spatial Resection
This gives us the possibility to create point wise pseudo
observations. We can select an arbitrary point from the CAD
model of the building and project it onto the image using the
calibration data of the camera and the initial approximated
orientation. Then we use the two-dimensional transformation
from the GHT to move the image point to its correct location.
From a minimal configuration of three points we can compute
an improved exterior orientation of the camera by
photogrammetric spatial resection.
Several alternatives for a closed form solution to the resection
problem are given in literature. We follow the approach
suggested by (Fischler & Bolles 1981). Named the “Perspective
4 Point Problem” their algorithm solves for the three unknown
coordinates of the projection center when the coordinates of
four control points lying in a common plane are given. Because
the control points are all located on a common plane the
mapping in-between image- and object points is a simple plane-
to-plane transformation T. The location of the projection center
can be extracted from this transformation T when the principal
distance of the camera is known. For a detailed description of
the formulas please refer to the original publication.
To complete the solution of the resection problem we also need
the orientation of the camera in addition to its location. (Kraus
1996) gives the solution for determining the orientation angles
when the coordinates of the projection center are already
known. The algorithm makes use of only three of the four
In principle, the complete process, extraction of building
silhouette, improvement of image coordinates by GHT and
spatial resection can be repeated iteratively in order to avoid
errors resulting from the initial orientation data. Nevertheless,
for our application the differences between the projected wire-
frame and the image were mainly caused by errors within the
available model due to measurement errors or generalization
effects. Subsequent iterations did not enhance the result
A series of real-world examples was chosen from our database,
to investigate both the feasibility of our approach and the
accuracy obtained from photogrammetric processing. Our
investigations are based on a dataset of the city of Stuttgart
provided by the City Surveying Office of Stuttgart. This data
was collected by manual photogrammetric stereo measurement
from images at 1:10000 scale (Wolf 1999). For data collection
the public Automated Real Estate Map (ALK) was additionally
used. Thus, a horizontal accuracy in the centimeter level as well
as a large amount of detail is available.
Figure 4: Prototype of the mobile photogrammetry device con-
sisting of a camera, a compass and a tilt sensor. The GPS is
mounted separately. The laser unit was not used in this project.