Our experiments show that combining wavelet transform and
histogram-based intersection for image comparison can
effectively remove motion blurring images, but the number of
images picked out by this method is much greater than actual
number. For instance, if 30 images out of 1,000 images are useful,
then more than 100 image or even several hundreds images can
be chosen out by using this method. Though all the useful images
are included, this method is actually of no use (Yan Zhou,
personnel corresponding).
Using our algorithm described in section 3, we solved the
problem successfully. If a pick-out-ratio is defined between the
number of useful images out of all the picked out images and the
number of all the picked out images itself, then the assessment of
the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm includes the
following two aspects:
(1) whether all the useful images are included in the picked out
(2) How about the pick-out-ratio?
Our results using train images under different illumination
conditions show that all the useful images can be chosen out,
With a pick-out-ratio steadily around 9096. For images of a train,
all the procedure can be finished within 6 minutes, which is
completely satisfied by practice.
Starting from the primary mathematical definition of
semivariogram, this paper fully uses the properties of
semivariogram which describes both the randomness and
structure of a data set to define a new parameter for image
comparison. Compared with other image distance functions for
image comparison, the algorithm proposed in this paper has three
merits: high sensitivity to image structure, low computational
complexity and no special requirements of imaging condition.
The case study show the effectiveness of the algorithm,
providing a new method for content-based image retrieval.
Though more than 10 years have been past since the first
application of semivariogram to remotely sensed image analysis,
there is no report on its application to close-range photographic
image processing. This paper gives out the pioneering work in
this field.
However, more case studies are still needed to test the
effectiveness of the algorithm, and some computational
strategies also should be considered to make the algorithm more
fast. All these have been listed to the agenda of the authors
further studies.
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