t sources of data
nterpretation and
1ingful way. The
tained results we
e most important
and TM thermal
MIR wavelength
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S carried out on
the places where
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M images. Based
urvey, the main
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soil. The water
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to moisture is
salt crust, due to
ardang and sand
extremely arid
nperature below
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of hydroaeolian
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' Iranian deserts.
formed by wind
] topography in
ction. Yardangs
between wind-
vind. Wind and
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cperienced great
netic process in
ly unstable area
Lut Desert is surrounded by the mountain in the north, and
south of Birjand and Nay-band mountain in the south, Kerman
elevations in the West, Sistan and Blouchestan elevations in the
East. In this study, the attention was mainly focused on
Yardangs located in the southern part of Kerman city and the
eastern part of Shahdad town.
In this study, 7 bands of Landsat TM bands on two different
areas of Meybod depression and Lut Desert were used to study
the capability of Landsat TM bands in mapping surface
condition with dry and wet surface. The dates of Landsat MSS
data (1975) and Landsat TM data (1990) were used. Other
information sources, such as topographic maps, geologic and
geomorphologic maps were used. The field work as one as one
of the most important steps were carried out. The methodology
comprised of;
l. Visual comparison between the standard FCC,s of MSS and
TM images of the Meybod Depression
2. Digital image classification
3. Feature space analysis of the Lut area
In this study, seven channels of Landsat Thematic Mapper dated
24. June 1989 were used. The techniques of image processing
such as, 1) False Color Composites (FCC), spectral rationing,
Feature Space Analysis (Figure 1) and visual interpretation
were used.
Meybod area: Visual comparison between the standard FCCs
of MSS and TM images shows a photomorphic unit (PMU) on
the TM FCC which could not be found on the MSS FCC . This
PMU is characterized by a dark brownish salt crust on wet soil
condition. In fact this visual interpretation suggests that wet
soils has been developed in between the date of Landsat MSS
satellite overpass (1975) and Landsat satellite overpass (1990).
Personal interviewing with the farmers also confirmed the lack
of a salt crust before 1975.
Supervised classification of TM and MSS images shows some
changes in the land cover in the period 1975-1990 (Figure 1).
The MSS classification shows an absence of the salt crust class
and TM classification shows its presence. This means that in
period 1975-1990, this area is altered to salt crust and wet land
condition. The change of the area into the wetland condition
and then salt crust can be due to a number of reasons: Physical,
chemical and biological agents may be the causes of wet land
and salt crust formation in the period 1975-1990.
Lut Desert: Figure 2 shows the feature space between TM
band 1 and TM band 5. A close look at FS indicates the
behavior of TM bands are different in view point of spectral
separability. For example FS between band 2 and 5 indicates a
fairly good spectral separability of training classes, especially
wet salt affected area. A careful look to these FS,s shows that
wet land classes can be separated by TM reflective bands of TM
2, TM 5, TM 7 and TM thermal band.
The salt crust and wet land is situated in a depression which is
surrounded by higher land. As the DEM of the Meybod area
shows, the developed salt crust is located in a depression lower
than 1046 m asl. The difference between the mean elevation of
the salt crust area and the surrounding cultivated areas is about
20m. This shows the situation of the depression in relation to
cultivated areas in the higher elevation. Comparison between
the TM and MSS FCC,s (Figure la, b) shows also the
extension of the vegetated area. Pale and pale red color shows
the vegetated area on TM and MSS FCC,s of the Shahidieh
Meybod area. Comparison between the TM and MSS
classification images shows a better understanding of the
development of urban and vegetation. It is notable that in these
visual interpretation and comparison of the FCC,s and
classification of TM and MSS images, the resolution
discrepancy of the images must be taken into account. It means
that the TM FCC or TM classified image shows some single
pixels of the vegetation and urban classes that could not be
found on MSS FCC or MSS classifications. This difference may
be due to the higher spatial resolution of the TM images. But
the aggregated pixels show that vegetation has considerably
increased in the study period. The deep water table in the
upland cultivated area dropped in period of 1975- 1990
(personal conservation with expertise and farmers, 1995). This
is due to the overdraft of the ground water table. The extension
of the cultivated area and urban growth can have a major
contribution to water consumption. Therefore we may conclude
that there are some factors accelerating the drainage water and
lateral movement toward the depression:
l) extension of cultivated area which are irrigated by flood
irrigation system;
2) urban growth and increasing water consumption;
3) precipitation, run-off, evaporation and evapotranspiration,
deep percolation and etc.
Some factors such as precipitation evaporation are almost
constant in the study period and the effect of some other factors
such as run-off seems to be less important than the increase of
water consumption for flood irrigation and urban consumption.
Flood irrigation is the main source of lateral water movement
toward the depression. In places with shallow water table, the
capillary rise plays an important role in the accumulation of
salts on the surface. As a result of capillary action, the soil
surface is enriched and the salt crust is formed.
5. Conclusion
Based on the obtained results from the visual comparison
between the MSS and TM
FCC,s we also concluded that visual interpretation of the FCC,s
recorded in two different dates and field work can be very
useful for change detection and understanding the factors
affecting wet land alteration and salt crust formation. By
studying the effect of micro topography and multitemporal
analysis with more than two periods, a better understanding of
human impact on the creation of the shallow water table and
salt crust formation can be obtained. Using more than two
images for alteration of the bare land to salt crust, more sound
conclusion can be obtained. Some destructions of natural
resources such as alteration of bare land to wet land surface
and salt crusted area without outlet are irreversible or it is
difficult to reclaim them. The improper management and the
use of land unsuitable for development, may bring harm to both
the natural environment and human lives. A proper
management of flood irrigation is needed to prevent the
extension of wet land and salt crust in the Shahidieh Meybod
area. Otherwise the present condition may lead in the coming
years to an environmental crisis. This can be a hazard and