Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

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splay system is 
(also known as 
first iteration of 
is often used to 
pproaches. As 
3. In the above two methods it is presupposed that all errors 
can be subsumed to a image point error. In contrast to this, 
it is also possible to try to explain all errors by a tracker 
error. It will be shown in chapter 4 that there are 
differences between these two perspectives. 
V» 9 P EyDi 9 C SeEy 9 € soSe 9 €yoso 9 Xy = 0 (10) 
4. The above techniques do not integrate the sensor and 
control point errors. But sensor and control points have 
also systematic, random and rough errors. Thus, the 
mathematical model has to be extended to: 
Vpj o P Eypi o ÉSeEy 9 Ésose 9 €woso 2 Xy, = 0 (11) 
5. So far only a single tracking device assumed. An 
additional second sensor may be able to control the first 
one and detect errors of the first. But when using it, the 
system of equations has to be extended by a set of 
equations describing the constant connection between the 
two birds. An arbitrary number of sensors can be added 
this way. The equations are: 
Vp; © Prypi © €sey 9 Ésosea ° €moso © Xwo = 0 
EsoseB ° Éscases © Ésosea = 0 
3.2 Object model 
The implementation of a calibration algorithm that is open for 
all above mentioned variations is difficult because of the 
following three problems: Firstly, there is an huge amount of 
parameters of different type that have to be updated in each 
iteration step of the Newton method. Secondly, different types 
of equations may occur (as seen in equation (12)). Thirdly, the 
partial differentiates become long expressions due to the 
multiple concatenation. If there is no modular structured 
program used, all combinations of partial differentiates have to 
be computed explicitly (this would be 27*2+18*3 expressions 
for equation (12)). In the following it will be shown how these 
problems can be overcome by object oriented design. The class 
hierarchy of the described concepts can be seen in figure 6. 
Problem of different types of mathematical objects: To 
simplify the problem of updating the parameters in each 
iteration, the parameters are encapsulated in a separate 
mathematical object (mathObject) called Atom. The object 
Atom can be used to store the type (unknown, observed, 
constant) of the parameter as well as additional information 
(residual, range of values). The hierarchical structure can be 
mapped using vectors  (mathObjectVector) of such 
mathematical objects. The mathObjectVector itself is a 
mathObject that contains the interrelations between the atomic 
parameters (or even other mathObjectVector objects), e.g. 
variances and co-variances. All other objects that compute the 
value (of an operation or relation) or the partial differentiate 
hold only references to these objects. Therefore, the values have 
to be updated only once, in the Atom itself. 
Problem of different types of equations: In general, a 
mathematical model can be understood as a set of relations 
(relation) between mathematical objects. Therefore, a relation 
is a vector of mathematical objects (mathObjektVektor). E. g. 
the equations of section 2.2. are such relations. Equations 
belonging together have to be grouped to vectors of relations. 
This is possible as a relation is itself a mathObjekt, too. 
Problem of simplifying the partial differentiates: If several 
operations are concatenated as in equation (4), the partial 
differentiation with respect to a certain parameter would result 
in long expressions. The whole expression must not be 
computed explicitly, if the object model reflects concatenation. 
That means that an operation can be reused. To meet this claim, 
mainly a modification of the design pattern “ chain of 
responsibility " described by [3] can be applied (compare figure 
6): "Avoid coupling the sender of a request to ist receiver by 
giving more than one object the chance to handle the request." 
A operation can be understood as a mathematical object that 
"builds" a relation between several mathematical objects. The 
operation itself produces again a mathematical object. If each 
mathObjekt has a well defined interface to return its value and 
the partial differentiation, all mathematical objects may be used, 
irrespective of their concrete specification (operation, relation 
or mathObject), in any combination. 
; Relation 
B et Operation 
ConcreteOperation ConcreteRelation 
+computeValue :mathObject 
+computeValue:mathObject : 
+computePartialDifferentiate:rf |+computePartialDifferentiate:nf |+computePartialDifferentiate:n 
Figure 6. The main classes of the parameter estimation program. 

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