ra used in
(umur) A«T'P1S
; relative to
noise level
the use of
type of
—r—4 40
-| 30
+ 20 y
T 7] 10
is relative to
jise level.
) pixels. The
good image
r two as bad
The camera
se levels can
| of imaging
so tested in a
creasing the
much, unless
ic network is
re each new
nation. In the
1 adds only a
ssential. This
he projection
ircular image
he number of
on upto 100
rovement can
40 T T T T T T T 40
10 frames
35 | 20 &ames ..... +35
30 frames _ _
50 frames _._—.
30 [7100 frames __... An
150 frames m...
25 | 200 frames ___.....
> B
(wm) APIS
Std.Dev (mm)
Distance (m)
Figure 3 Change in co-ordinate standard deviations relative to
distance. Each curve depicts values with different number of
images in image block.
As mentioned in the beginning, this method is especially
designed for measurements of large objects where imaging is
done partly or entirely inside the object space. The concave
parts of large objects are often troublesome in network design.
This method provides help for such cases. What are then the
application areas where we meet such conditions? In chemical
industry there is need to update outdated structure models of
complicated pipe structures, which may never have been built as
designed. In such applications the visibility is the restricting
element and this means that imaging must be done also inside
the object space. Also all inner space modeling is a fertile
environment for this method. The modeling can be
measurements for the renovation or redecoration of an old
building or reconstruction of remains of an ancient building in
an archeological site. One application area can be found in
forestry. In forest inventory, taking samples inside the forest is
still a dominant method for estimating the annual growth of
forest. Currently the volume of tree stems and scattering of trees
in forest in samples areas are measured manually. This means
measuring the diameter of tree stem and its distance from a
fixed point. So, also in this case measurements are
accomplished inside the object space and therefore this task is
appropriate for the presented method.
Real experiment was accomplished in forest environment in
order to test the capability of circular image block
measurements in forest inventory application. For the test few
targets were attached on the tree trunks. Otherwise natural
object points were selected as for the tie points. In general only
one tie point is needed per image to resolve the only unknown
parameter of one image. In practice more observations are
needed. It is to be noticed that all image observations are used
for resolving the common unknowns of the block, namely
rotations of the first camera pose and the length of the rod. That
is why the distribution of image observations should be
geometrically good on all images.
From simulated examples you may have noticed that image
measurements are supposed to be accomplished in sub pixel
accuracy. In practice this was achieved by using template
matching on subsequent images. On chosen source image
template was extracted in size selected by operator. The best
position of template on next image on sequence was resolved
with largest cross-correlation. The final position was then
estimated with LSQ-estimation with accuracy of sub pixel. This
resolved best position of template on target image was then used
to extract a new template on this image for matching on next
image. So the template image and target image are always from
subsequent images. This way we can be sure that viewing angle
on these camera posies don't differ much. This semiautomatic
matching continues until the point is out of sight or occluded.
For matching stopping criteria some limit correlation value is
This approach works well in one image block. Cause we need
convergent observations we have to have same object points
observed also from a second image block. In our
implementation the operator can point out the measured point
on the first block image and then point out an initial position on
second block image for template matching. The rest
homogeneous points are measured in a similar manner as with
first image block.
For image sequence measuring tool there was no adequate
software found. So for all measuring tasks as well as for the
estimation part, I had to create software of my own based on a
Linux operating system.
The estimation of the image block was not as straightforward
computation as with simulated counterpart. The problem
occurred with initial values. With non-linear estimation case
good initial values for parameters are essential. With simulated
data this was no problem. What was noticed with real data
estimation was that if rotation angles o and « were near zero the
¢ and a angles were strongly correlating with each other. Also
parameter r and scale measurements had a great correlation. If
initial values are not good enough the iterations process might
convergence into a wrong local minimum solution. By using
strongly weighted observations of ¢ and r-values the iteration
can be directed into global minimum solution. As with
simulated tests, observations only included normal distributed
error, the camera model was supposed to be out of any
systematic error components. With real data the influence of
radial distortion not corrected seemed to be quite substantial.
In this implementation template matching is used for tie point
measurements. If numerous of circular image blocks have to be
measured perhaps feature based matching procedure might be
more practical than this semiautomatic measuring approach.
Although in this first experience the most essential thing was to
achieve an observation set without any gross errors than to
create a more automatic procedure for image observation. From
simulated tests and experiment with real data we can surely see
that this novel method is applicable in those measuring tasks as
it was designed for.
Heikkinen, Jussi. Video Based 3D Modeling. International
Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol.
XXXII, Part 5, ISPRS Commission V Symposium
Proceedings, June 2-5,1998, Hakodate, Japan, pp. 712-716.
Heikkinen, Jussi. Circular Image Block Measurements.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote
Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part 5A, ISPRS Commission V
XVIII Congress Proceedings, July 16-23,2000, Amsterdam,
the Netherlands, pp. 358-365.
Heikkinen, Jussi. Video Measurements for Forest Inventory.
SPIE Videometrics 22-23.01,2001. Vol. 4309. San Jose,
California, USA, Spie -The International Society for Optical
Engineering, pp. 93-100.