while on the
. to construct
data by EPI
oints. In the
hod utilizing
to match the
id shape of a
10to analysis
| map
isured points
map. These
ion, such as
red points in
peak of this
boundary of
1e histogram
| Z-axis with
ie building
the track of
cular line is
drawn from the building’s edge facing the street toward this
track. The record of intersection of this line and trace is utilized
to make the pattern of buildings.
The next step of process is to match the histogram of measured
points by EPI analysis with the pattern of the buildings made
from a map, then judge the location of the building boundary in
the peak of the histogram.
We apply DP matching method to match 3D measured data by
EPI analysis with 2D digital map.
The building
boundary pattern
= The track of the vehicle
The perpendicular line from a building boundary
Figure 7: Building boundary pattern by digital map
3.2 Solid shape construction
Figure 8: Solid shape example of a building
including height information
We utilized the aerial photo analysis result which was made
with a stereo method. Using an aerial photo analysis we gave
height information to a model made a digital map like figure 8.
So we can make solid shape of a building. We put the texture on
the model.
The motion images taken from a camera on a vehicle reflect the
upper part of a building. It is thought that the texture of the
upper part of a building can be is gained by projection
conversion of an image. It is assumed the plane of an parallel
picture to the direction to which a vehicle goes in the right-and-
left both ends of image like figure 9. We can make an image of
screen of side where upper texture of a building appears in.
However, resolution of an image becomes low in a made image.
So, we make the consecutive image with screen of the side by
projection conversion with the consecutive image. Then we
match the image and integrate them.
; The image by which projection
conversion was carried out
The souse image
A camera position
Figure 9: Generation of the image by projection conversion
A vehicle progress direction
1»Yn+1 »Z A
The n+1-th fi are n» n)
The n-ttrfrante
"À cdmera position
The souse image
Figure 10: Matching of a position of an image
It is shown in a figure 12. A point on a building (X,Y, Z), asa
point on an image of a n frame (x n, y n ,z n), the image which
AZ moved, a point on an image of a n +1 frame eye (xn+1,y n
+1,z n +1), I turn the focus distance into f. If we can pursue
distance X from a camera pass to a building, they was matched
by an expression (1).
Because the target which texture information wants to acquire is
only a building facing a road, we aline it by demanding X of
distance of a building facing a road than technique of Section
3.1 and compose the image which I converted a projection into.
A tm m LN
n n + 1
In these experiment, we used 700 consecutive input images built
from the video image that we took by a car running along
downtown. The car equipped with the gyro sensor and distance
sensor in order to record vibration and to obtain the moving
distance. GPS was used to record the location of the vehicle.
Obtained image sequence was normalized using distance sensor.
Because of real environment, it is necessary to revise vibration
for image sequence. As a result of measurement of gyro sensor,