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Fig. 10: Result of histogram analysis of grey wedge Fig. 11: Result of histogram analysis of grey wedge
measurements (R,G,B, with integrated infra-red filter) measurements (R,G,B, without integrated infra-red filter)
Fig. 9 illustrates the superb image quality of the Pro Back
sensor. It has to be pointed out that this picture is a 1:1 subset
of the complete 4kx4k image that is displayed in Fig. 7. Even
smallest details are reproduced clearly. This result can also be
proven by the evaluation of the resolution test patterns, and
visually by the example of a facade as shown in Fig. 13 and
Fig. 14. Blooming can be forced by imaging very bright and
high-reflective objects such as the one displayed in Fig. 12. The
sensor and related software seems to cope with blooming
effects very well, hence no significant loss of image quality can
be detected.
Fig. 12: Test of blooming behaviour for high reflective object ay
surface (1:1 window of Fig. 7) Fig. 13: Original image of a facade