Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

> restitution procedure 
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> restitution procedure 
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atching algorithm can 
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mages in a composite 
ft epipolar image and 
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of the imaged object. 
lar images brings into 
images, providing a 
he images even along 
that the high textured 
o viewing system are 
correctly matched. 
A new procedure can be introduced to automatically find the 
correct stereo viewing in an interlaced image when this image 
is getting from the highest to the lowest texture. This is 
analogous to the algorithm that is used to automatically focus 
an optical device such as a camera or a microscope. However, 
in our case, the correct image (in terms of free of parallax 
stereo viewing) is supplied when the image is the one with 
lowest texture. Thus, defocusing is the correct way to bring into 
coincidence conjugate points on the interlaced image. 
e A blurred image (I) is generated from the original 
composite image (I), through a 3x3 average filter. The 
subtraction of the blurred image from the original one 
gives a residual image q — I-P. A quality index Q 
(summation of all q^ intensity differences) is used for 
indication of the quality of the match. A minimum value 
of Q indicates high match, whereas big Q values indicate 
low match. 
e The above step is repeated while the algorithm scrolls 
(a) (b) 
(d) (e) 
Q-82270 Q-99533 
Q=89020 Q=74828 
Fig. 1: Auto-focus simulation procedure. Pictures from (a) to (e) have been taken with lens focus 0 to infinite. Every 
image is blurred and subtracted from its neighbor. A focus factor Q is calculated for each pair by adding the difference 
image values. Image (c) is the best focused since Q gets its maximum values in pairs (b-c) and (c-d). 
Many researchers (Liu, 1998, Subbarao and Wei, 1992, 
Subbarao et. al. 1993, Xiong and Shafer, 1993) have used this 
procedure to determine the depth of view for several optical 
devices. One way for successful defocusing is the minimization 
of the difference between the original image and its blurred. 
The procedure is trying in an iterative way to provide the 
correct image and is very quick in its execution since the 
creation and processing of the interlaced image is performed 
from the graphics subsystem of the DPS. So, very low 
processing cost is dedicated from the CPU of the computer for 
the algorithm's implementation. 
3.1 Procedure presentation 
The algorithm has been implemented in an experimental 
software application that can easily estimate conjugate points 
on the stereo viewing window, using semi-automated 
In more detail the steps of the algorithm can be described as 
e The approximate values of x-parallax on the epipolar 
images are obtained through the existing relative 
e The user (through a preview window) positions the 
cursor on the interlaced image point, and an image patch is 
defined with this as a center. The selection of the patch 
dimension is obviously related to the application just like 
the respective window size used in correlation. 
the even rows of the image patch relative to the odd ones 
in different steps. The minimum value of Q factor gives 
the best approximation for the locus of the matching 
e The next step is the refinement of the position to sub 
pixel accuracy. For this, the images are zoomed by a user- 
defined factor (e.g. 4x), depending on the accuracy 
required. The above steps are repeated on those zoomed 
images (now the applied steps are fractions of the original 
Instead, of using Q as the summation of the q’ values the 
summation of the |q| may be used. The result would be the 
same while the processing time is greatly reduced because the 
calculation of a number's square value is more time consuming 
than the calculation of its’ absolute value. 
3.2 Complexity issues 
The algorithm consists of a simple filtering technique and a 
simple arithmetic operation between two image patches 
(subtracting the blurred P image from the original I). The 
algorithm uses less CPU process time than the typical 
procedure of correlation and matching since it uses just nxm 
multiplications for every possible position of the conjugate 
points vs. the nxmx3 multiplications used in the correlation for 
every possible position of the template window inside the 
search region (where n is the dimension of the square template 
window and m is the dimension of the square patch window). It 
should also be noted that the arithmetic operations, which are 
performed in our case, use integer operands. In the case of 
correlation and matching procedure the operands are at least 
single float type. 

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