Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 1)

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3 230% 08-4 0205 2800 «AA ass 
37 1683511 RIVER ULM-26024 KHALID.Y.51994/12/2 
216252 H63460. 497 -5490 . 399 E5449 94 
2307 6673. 422 -6793.820 n74.200 900 
32010 67289 .949 "5602. 720 591.078 Pag 
214683 &7175.340 -T5235.959 $957. 393 900 
ri 66055. 034 -6373.808 73. 56 743 
-1 666559. 231 -5973 808 573.8005 7241 
rd 45293741 -687?2.474 573.006 342 
-1 66552.492 -5D05» 037 «73 045 343 
"vd 6652i.451 T6875 310 574.15 341 
-$ 56495 Bai -6873.000 573.404 342 
- bohAN P47 "68650 "59g 573.604 343 
-$ 665325 020 -55878.494 573.924 213 
il 66540.140 -6892.640 973.913. 017 
mi 66541.930 -568095 i35 574.592 212 
qi 668537 .785 -B590€9 236 574.6803 212 
"4 56535. 9798 “2000 902 $73.952. 212 
nd 66524.9037 901.777 570.933, 212 
4, $6829 354 -6878.455 573,503 212 
med h6529 020 -6878.494 523.9294 212 
- 66519. 338 -6501.711 873.97; 243 
-— 665415. 082 -6884.891 S731. 972. 212 
-i e66526.204 . -6890 939 573.773. 212 
x 6529 451 -5904 774 74. 026 dio 
wl 66532 394 “998 200 574.72 242 
T 66530.458 “6805 719 573.945 2312 
i — 66519 247 504 661 523.755 249 
i hid 65619. 339 uni ii 573.972.2423 
Ii -4 66549,9798 -5576.9n4 74 084 213 
— 66544. 980 “BOL 77% 574.4126 212 
wt 665652. 5623 -6590 778 573.925. 212 
-— 66554 632 -689 3.466 574.5857 212 
eh 66558 853 -6889.940 574.706 212 
ei &66557.245 T56887.986 573.95 anis 
m 66549. 507 HS 9c 574.078 212 
wd 66550.483 —6877 555 574.178. . 812 
gh 66549. goo TOhR75 039 574.070 212 
“x 56549 50998 —-BDUS 904 574.036 212 
Fig.2 File structure of a digital map created by Zeiss 
Plani comp C100 
Because of the simple file structure, it is easy to write a 
program to edit such files by using direct access techni- 
I, = E H 

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