Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 1)

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block size 1-6) 
Fig.8 Relationship between 
0.0 1 siockgröses the maximum correlation of 
3x7 6x13 9x19 12x25 
Pnàx gross control point errors 
and systematic image errors 
and the block size 
0.0 i i à i Blockgröße 
3x7 6x13 99x19 12x25 
--- Àt the same geometry the loibllity of gross control point 
errors is uaually worse than their separability from systematic 
image errors. In other words, if gross errors are locatable, 
they will be separable from systematic errors. Therefore the 
problem of the location of gross errors is essential for the 
photogrammetric point determination. 
The reliability theory of Baarda is now extended to Separability 
for two different model errors. It can be used to estimate the 
locability of gross errors, the separability of gross and sys- 
tematic errors and the separability of deformations from the 
other model errors. It can be also used to select additional 
parameters in self calibrating adjustments. 
/1/ Baarda, W.: Statistical Concepts in Geodesy, Netherl. 
Geodetic Comm., New Series, Vol.2, No.4, 
Delft 1967 
- 198 -

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