Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 1)

/1/ Ackermann F.: Numerische Photogrammetrie. 
H. Wichmann Verlag, Karlsruhe, (1973). 
/2/ Baarda W.: Statistical Concepts in Geodesy. 
Neth. Geod. Comm. ,Vol. 2, No. 4, (1967). 
/3/ Baarda W.: A Testing Procedure for Use in Geodetic 
Neth. Geod. Comm.,Vol. 2, No. 5, (1968). 
/4/ Barzaghi R., Betti B., Sansô F.: Integrated Geodesy: a Purely Local 
Proc, of the 3rd Symp. of the GNGTS, Roma, (1985), 
/5/ Benciolini B., Betti B., Mussio L.: A remark on the application of 
the GPS procedure to very irreguiar graph. 
Proc. Meeting of FIG Study Group 5B; Survey 
Control Network,Schriftenreihe HSBw Heft 7 
Munich, (1982). 
/6/ Benciolini B., Mussio L.: Test on a reordering algorithm for Geodetic 
Network and Photogrammetric Block Adjustment, 
Proc. Int. Symp.: Management of Geodetic Data: 
Geodaetisk Institut, Meddelelse No. 55 
Copenhagen, (1981). 
/7/ Benciolini B., Mussio L., Sansó F.: The Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate 
Gradient Method in network adjustment. 
Proc. of the 6th Int. Symp. on Geodetic 
Computations, DGK Reihe B Heft 258/VIII, 
/8/ Benciolini B., Mussio L., Surace L.: Applications of the Incomplete 
Cholesky Conjugate Gradient Method in block 
Int. Arch. of Photogrammetry and Remote Sen 
sing, Vol. 25, part A3a/b, Rio de Janeiro, 
/9/ Ebner H.: Combinated Adjustment of Photogrammetric and 
Non-Photogrammetric Data. 
Int. Arch. of Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing, Vol. 25, part A3a/b, Rio de Janeiro 
/10/ Forlani G.: Sperimentazione del nuovo programma CALGE 
dell 'ITM. 
Bollettino della SIFET, No. 1, (1986). 
/11/ Forlani G. Mussio L.: Il calcolo di una compensazione minimi qua 
Ricerche di Geodesia Topografia e Fotogram 
metria, No. 4, Clup, Milano, (1984). 
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