\ a: Lake Skagern
\ b: Lake Vànern
C: Lake Drevviken
a bic
Figure 9. Relative inclinations of spectra of shorelines of Swedish
Comparable spectra were obtained for map scales varying from 1:10 000
to 1:1 000 000, confirming the intuitive ability of the good carto-
grapher to maintain the appropriate degree of details at the diffe-
rent map scales.
Also with automatic generalization, this proper impression of the
roughness of the terrain should be preserved. Gottschalk observed
already a decade ago, that good results in generalization are ob-
tained by simply reducing the contour map to a smaller scale. This
operation is correct in the light of our theory for dimension of con-
tours close to 1.
In general, for arbitrary D values, all features (amplitudes) below
the desired resolution limit, should be Suppressed. This can be pro-
perly done by filtering all frequencies higher than that corresponding
to the resolution limit. Note, that there exists a non-linear relati-
onship between spectrum and frequency, thus a scale reduction "a"
leads to a change in the frequency limit Corresponding to "aa/2" (the
spectrum represents the second power of the amp itudes).
The following example (Figure 10), illustrates the idea of automatic
generalization. Let the upper left curve be a part of a contour line,
at the map scale 1:5 000. The minimum discernible amplitude at that
scale is, 0.5 meter (S = 0.25 mê) corresponding to a highest frequency
of 7.7-10-3, as shown on the spectrum.
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