Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 1)

Table 6 Differences of Sampling Intervals from 62 m 
Profile) (9)iIntiDiff| 7 {Int [Diff] % [Int|Diffi 2 Int lDiffl 7 
2)| (231 G3)| C4)|G5)] (6) o (8)| (9)] (10)| (11)| (12)| (13)| (14) 
153 0.7177 15 124 66 6 1110| 48 77 41 |-21 |-34 
153-1 0.8| 96 34 55| 51 ]-11 |-18]111| 49 79 30 |-32 |-52 
153-2 0.81 64 2 3| 108 46 74| 84] 22 36 46 |-16 |-26 
153-1 0.7] 55 -7 |-11| 54 |- 8 |-13| 98| 36 58 48 |-14 1-23 
Mean 16 14 58 -34 
153 (6) 77 15 24| 53 |- 9 |-14| 79} 17 27 37 |-25 |-40 
(9) 82 20 32| 60 |- 2 |- 3| 87| 25 40 37 |-25 | -40 
Mean 28 - 8 34 -40 
(1) Profile identifier 
(2) Roughness factor 
(3), (6), (9), (12) Computed sampling intervals (m) 
(4), (7), (10), (13) Differences from 62 m 
(5), (8), (11), (14) Percent differences with respect to 62 m 

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