Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 1)

The major task for PSA is the data capture loop in the defined 
area, which consists of the basic triangular intermeshing and the 
densification in those regions where the captured points do not 
describe the terrain sufficiently to attain the desired height 
The basic information with which the terrain analysis and the densi- 
fication procedure works is a nearly regular triangular intermeshing 
with the specified basic interval as sidelengths. First the bound- 
aries are scanned with that distance, and afterwards the triangles 
within that borders are then measured. 
For the curvature analysis the area is automatically subdivided into 
rectangular computing units of fixed width for each densification 
step but with a variable length, which depends on the number of 
points in that region. The rectangles are always overlapping to 
avoid gaps in the model. The most actual information is always taken 
into account for the analysis of the next computing unit (Figure 1). 
Within the computing units the triangular intermeshing is computed. 
Therefore distances between all points in that region are calculated 
and sorted depending on their length. Starting with the minimum dis- 
tance such sides are eliminated which intersect that side with the 
momentaneous minimum sidelength. This automatically generates a 
triangle network with a minimum sum of all distances for the edges. 
Breaklines and structurelines are always stored at the beginning of 
that sorted list of distances so that they form the edges of trian- 
gles by default (Figure 2). 
For each point the remaining sides form edges of triangles sorting 
them depending on their azimuths. If the point belongs to a break- 
line the triangular intermeshing is subdivided into two sectors and 
two adjusted planes are computed (Figure 3). Depending on the number 
of breaklines related to that point the same number of planes is 
derived which yields the information on the normals necessary for 
the Zienkiewicz interpolation. The analysis of the edges and the 
spatial surface of the triangles determines the necessity of densi- 
fication and the position of the point to be registered. It also 
serves for the prediction of a local extrema inside the triangle, 
where the operator is asked for a confirmation emphasises with a 
specific acoustic signal and a message. He then has to decide 
whether to reject or to accept that prediction. For further analy- 
sis an accepted extrema is identified by a horizontal plane and 
differs from all other points. 
After finishing the densification step for the whole convex quadri- 
lateral the current mean square error of height and the maximum 
deviation resulting from the difference between predicted and mea- 
sured height is displayed on the screen and, if the desired height 
accuracy is not satisfied, the next densification step may be 
- 13 = 

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