Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 1)

differences between the first and the last raster interval with respect 
to the interval itself, ' 
DXI = S cos(Ia -a/2) = DXS 
(DXN-DX1)/S = cos(ß-a/2) = cos(a/2) 
for BY a : DXS = -2sin®(B/2) 
With p=1° and @=1"=> DXS = 0.0015 4,7 mm (for S = 30.9 m) 
Figure 3 : Relations between metric and angular raster 
3.4 Relative and absolute orientation 
For the analytical orientation procedures pass points were selected from 
the maps and coordinated in the photos. This data was fed into a bundle 
triangulation using the program MOR /Wester-Ebbinghaus, 1985/. 
Problems arised due to the facts, that 
1. the available maps with presisely coordinated navigation points 
didn't cover the whole model area, 
2. the identification of identical points in maps and images was 
difficult to achieve and 
z vector length for 50 m height residual 
Figure 4: Z-residuals at control points 
- 93: 

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