Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

Whose presence in the data would damage later steps. 
2.1 Windowing of photocoordinates (S1) 
This step only detects error whose estimated photocoodinates cause 
the images to fall out of the limit of the negative. 
2.2 Active Length invariant transformation of coorresponding images 
This step is useful specially to clean data from monoscopic 
measurements affected by very large errors. The orthogonal model is 
used to transform the coordinates of the image points from the right 
to the left image of each stereopair. The transformation 
x Cosk + y Sink + Xo 
x Sink + y Cosk + Yo (2.2) 
where (x,y) and (X,Y) are photocoordinates of the right and left 
images respectively and K, Xo and Yo are parameters of the 
transformation, causes the superposition of corresponding images, 
neglected, the relief displacements and smaller effects. Gross 
errors of greater magnitude than the effects of relief displacement 
may be detected in x, but it is in y that it is possible the 
detection of gross errors even of magnitude larger than the maximum 
y .paralax. After applying the transformation, the corresponding 
values are estimated and used, as the main tool of this step, to 
detect and locate gross error. Table 2.1 shows the results of one 
application of this approach. As it is seen from the table, and is 
not surprising, the y discrepancy is the best detector and 
identificator of blunders at this phase. Also gross errors from 
wrong numbering of points and similar blunders can be successfully 
detected at this phase. 
TABLE 2.1 Showing at the first column the number of the points 
common to both (left and right) images; 2nd and 3rd 
columns presents the photocoordinates of the left photo, 
4th and 5th columns, the transformed coordinates for the 
same points and the two last, the discrepancies. 
X (mm) Y(mm)  X(mm) Y (mm) DX(mm) DY (mm) 
104 2.419 85.493 3.031 84.376 -0.612 1,147 
105* 86.752 82.223... 92.923 85.692 -6.171 -3.469 
112 47.477 44.287 41.441 43.701 6.036 0.586 
119 0.901 - 0.656 Br 167222 0.507 -0.266 -0.149 
120 90.520 = 2.239 85.493... — 22.933 9,027 0.694 
127 41.499 -42.702 43.118 | -42.944 -1.619 0.242 
134 - 0.643 -88.717 - 4.755 -88.170 4.113 -0.547 
135 83.259 -85.966 83.104 -87.014 0.155 1.047 
170 38.094 -78.410 44.755 -78.889 -6.661 0.479 
* Point to which a. gross error |. of 5mm ..was itentionally 
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