Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

The problem of including additional information into 
photogrammetric block adjustment is in theory completely 
solved /1/, /4/, /S/. However, in Practice there exist 
serious problems as new kinds of observation equations 
affect the banded bordered structure of the reduced normal 
equation matrix /2/. Accordingly, affected is precisely 
that vital point which in blockaerotriangulation made 
possible high efficiency and was at the same time economi- 
In order to avoid these adverse effects, the additional 
information should be grouped in independent coordinate 
Systems and together with other photogrammetric models be 
included in block adjustment. In this way the banded 
bordered structure of the reduced normal equation matrix 
would remain, but, at the same time, because of the addi- 
tional models, the number of unknown orientation parameters 
would increase. As we are dealing with a limited number of 
additional informations, this increase for larger blocks 
would not be significant. In case there was no expansion of 
matrix band of reduced normal equations, then the increase 
of the needed computing time for the combined adjustment 
could be regarded as negligible. 
The number of new unknown orientation parameters can be 
reduced by grouping of the connected observations into 
common coordinate systems. In order to avoid the expansion 
of RNE band, the newly formed models must not occupy more 
space than is the area covered by one photogrammetric 
model. Stochastic properties of every geodetic observation 
or the trusted degree of geometric information can be 
expressed by appropriate weight of coordinates in the 
formed independent models. 
The possibilities for collecting geodetic data and geomet- 
ric information are many. However, their inclusion into the 
block should be rational, considering the increase of the 
unknowns in adjustment. For thís reason the data must be 
placed Primarily into those sections of the block where 
there is not a sufficient number of control points, as well 
as in areas where their inclusion would lead to a sub- 
stantial betterment of precision, 
For the purpose of realization of the Proposed idea follow- 
ing principles should be observed: 
= In the adjustment as with the classical block adjustment 
two groups of observation equations remain: the coordi- 
nates of measured photogrammetric points and the coordi- 
nates of the control points; 
- 516 - 
SE a n assises c mann."

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