Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

For models with denied scale factor observation equations 
are as follows: 
Ve 0 i + ets X x" 
L + (3) 
Yo 0 1 = ex'j dK Y y” 
ij ij j i 
while for the models with denied rotation and scale factor 
the observation equations are of the following form: 
v 1 D dX X x" 
= . 9 - + "eh (4) 
v 0 1 dy, Y T: 
j i 
In the preceeding expressions (1) = (4) the following 
symbols have been used: 
i : point number; 
3 : model number; 
M Vy * : residuals of the observations; 
ax ,. d , dk , 
do’, (a9 b) : unknown orientation Parameters; 
xt, Y! ; approximate coordinates after first 
iteration of the classical block 
x2, x? * approximate translation Parameters 
(expression (3)). 
At height adjustment the observation equations in the 
classical block adjustment are as follows: 
s]. = [1 À Es 42° -| T + (3 11.5) 
For models with denied rotation parameters dd and dQ obser- 
vation equations are as follows: 
(al, - y * [=], + [2], ye] 
= 520 -

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