Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

+s = X X. X. ° ? 9^0 
% 0 f i'i 
ej "iXx- yo * Ji Xv. 
c c c 3 
o O o 
à = 1.. 4 
Two planes are defined by these vectors : 
The cut line of PL1 and 
parallel vith v, and x 
PL1 $a, &v 
image coordinates: point i 
- principal point 
- principal distance 
(3°- 1) 
. *. + . + > 
PL2 contains 0, and its direction vector v^ is 
il -1 
I A 
Fig. 5: Cutline v; of the planes PL1, PL2 
Si Gr a v sta 
If another pair of vectors v nim 
calculated in a similar way. To get 
(X ,y ,c ) are necessary. 
90.0 © 
As v? and vj are perpendicular vectors a linear 
unknówns is found: 
v" . y* . 0 vhf ie? 
ped -2 xps 
c (y.-y.) 
Os 1; 3 
(a, Xa.) slc (&,-X ) ix 1,4,5, 
L J ug: J i j m 2,3,6, 
x yy. 
ij ji 
- 534 - 
UN] vi 
which is perpendicular to v and v 
is available in the same phótograph (v5,V 
the vector vj can be 
vt and vj, both the image 
coordinates of eight object points and 
the "interior orientation 
equation of three 

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