Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

Operator 0 3a 3b 
Least squares SD SD R SD R 
A0 (0.01 pixel) 11.5 9.9 «0.05 12.5 «0.27 
A1 (0.01) 2.41 1.7: .-0.06 2.2.5. «0.26 
A2-(" 2g 1.9 1.7. 40.31 2.0'* -0.26 
HO (grey value) : 2.0 0.7 2.9 
H1 (0.01) : 6.4 1.9 8.8 
163 üpergtar.id uns. epa Quabr o men Bin dt SOAR umb 
Cross correlation : CC CC R CC R 
mean maximum 0.72 0.96 +0,57 0.44 40.41 
The results show that the precision of geometric parameters is low for 
both methods, compared to the previous interest functions. 
For A0 and A1 in the maximized case (3a), the rank correlation R shows 
no dependency on the interest value. Further the precision in shear 
A2 decreases with increasing IV. 
In the minimized case, all geometric unknowns decrease in precision, 
when the interest value reaches its local extreme. 
Accordingly, the comparison of products is not a suitable operator for 
increasing the geometric precision of the least squares matching. 
The overall best radiometric fit is obtained using variant 3a, and in 
agreement with this, the worst is obtained by 3b. 
The same result is obtained for coefficients of cross correlation. 
Although a significant similarity is obtained using 3a, this has no 
relevance for determining parallaxes and slopes. For instance, 
homogeneous areas in the photographs have high auto- and cross 
correlations, but provide no structures for determination of parallax. 
Using point densification ensures reliable height determination. 
Cross correlation provides good convergence in the adjustment. 
Precision in point determination can be optimized using interest 
operators. The following improvements were obtained: 
- parallax almost 40 %, slope between 30 and 40 %. 
- With the exception of auto-correlation, the differences between 
operators were relatively small. The best results were obtained 
with grey level gradients in the x-direction. 
Suggestions for further research: 
1. Determination of threshold levels, which enable early rejection 
of features and the possibility of examining several features within 
a search area. 
2. Two-dimensional search for suitable points. This leads to an 
interest function IV(x,y) and the creation of a completely irregular 
3. Recognition of discontinuities followed by correlation using 
edge detection instead of the grey level methods described above. 
- 571 = 

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