Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

In order to investigate each term by itself, we notice that (11) is 
satisfied when y is chosen in such a way that f = aD' à. The k-th 
component becomes 
fsaAg ; Km 1,2,...,M (16) 
from which we obtain 
log. (f, /a$,) 
k^ ^y M 
UK) = —————— = - log (Ë, /ad, ) (17) 
100 Ac 2kri k k 
which should be compared to (15). Here y has been given as a function 
of k, as we generally obtain a different value of y for every k. The 
complex logarithms in these expressions are easily expressed in the 
more familiar real form: 
Imag (f£,/8,) 
M M. abre Eee 
Real p(k) = k Luce oT arctg Sei VNIN (18) 
Imag u(k) - —- Au log T [Rea (f, /8,) * ing 0,8 3] 7 (19) 
Ls:0, 1,:2,. |. 5 K-1 
M is the period corresponding to a given spatial frequency k. L is 
fne number of complete periods involved in the displacement. Only one 
of the k possible integers L is correct. In the case when the image f 
is a pure cyclic translation of the image g, we obtain the same value 
of u for all values of k: 
| = M N= 
Real p(k) = k Lot kr Pk Oo € 94 « 27 (20) 
Imag p(k) = T log a (21) 
where vw = 2kwu/M is the arctg-function in (18). Several procedures 
for finding L can be conceived. Here we choose a method which can also 
be used in the case where there are discrepancies between the images: 
For each k, y is determined for all possible values of L. A vector of 
M components (the image size) 1s constructed where the components 
indexed [u] and [p+1] (k different cases) are set equal to 1 and the 
rest are set equal to O. All the vectors are added and y chosen as the 
index of the largest component. This method is used in the following 
examples, which are typical for a large number of investigated cases 
with translations ranging from zero to half the image size. 
Example: Cyclically displaced Sine Curve: 
E(x) = sin, 21x/38; x = 1,2, ...8 
G(x) = sin 27(x121)/38; x = 1,2, canl3.®= M=2] (22) 
g(x) = sin.27(x-43)/38; X =.44 45 ....M 
M = 64 
This choice of f and g corresponds to y - 21. The vectors defined in 
the above section are given in figure 2a, one row for each vector (for 
each value k). As is immediately seen, the maximum component of the 
- 643 - 

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