Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

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information among different organisations is steadily 
increasing, this latter subject might be of great importance 
for further studies. 
When using the K-L expansion, the data is reduced with 
minimum . loss of information. For terrain classification 
purposes, other criterions should also be fulfilled, for 
instance that the characteristic parameters are easy to 
derive and that they are easy to use for different purposes. 
These considerations have not been treated in this study, 
but are necessary for a model for terrain classification. 
The model must also be valid for a large number of different 
terrain types. In this study, only six terrain types from 
northern Europe have been used. This is of course a severe 
limitation and before any recommendations concerning a world 
wide model for terrain classification can be made, a larger 
sample is needed. 
On the basis of the results of this limited study, the 
following conclusions may be drawn. 
1.) The Karhunen-Loeve expansion is a method for data 
reduction with minimum loss of information. When applied to 
digital elevation data, the data may be reduced considerably 
without a significant loss of information. 
2.) When constructing a model for terrain classification, 
the Karhunen-Loeve expansion may be used with success. But 
attention should also be paid to other criterions than data 
reduction, such as methods for performing and using such 
classifications in real situations. 
This work has been financially supported by The Swedish 
Council for Building Research (BFR), contract number 
Agterberg F.P, 1982. Recent developments in geomathematics. 
Geo-Processing, Vol 2, No 1, pp 1-32. 
Forstner W, 1983. On the Morphological Quality of Digital 
Elevation Models. Proc of International Colloquium on 
Mathematical Aspects of Digital Elevation Models, Department 
of Photogrammetry, KTH, Stockholm. 
Frederiksen P, Jacobi ©, Justesen J, 31978. Pourier- 
transformation von Hohenbeobachtungen. Zeitschrift fur 
Vermessungswesen, Heft 2, pp 64-79. 
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