Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

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** MENU ** 
1. input/change/delete observation records 
2. add/change only a distance 
3. add/change only a direction 
4, add/change/delete standard deviations 
5. change code 
BG. listing input 
«RETURN? = end of editing 
Your choice . 2 
Figure 4: The main menu of BSCAN 
The editor is used for the input of both network design data (station, target, code) 
and adjustment data (station, target, code, observations). It is also possible to 
create the observations file (name.obs) automatically by reading data of self- 
registering instruments in the computer. 
Module CSCAN allows for the creation of an option file (name.opt). This file 
contains parameters and switches defining how to use the program. A user may 
choose options interactively like: 
- a design or adjustment of a network; 
- a free network or constrained network; 
- a choice of two base points (choice of an S-base); 
- a parameter criterion matrix; 
- a parameter substitute matrix; 
- a distance dependant standard deviation distances;- onestandard deviation 
for all distances; 
- idem for all directions; 
- the creation of a plot file (drawing the network); 
- etc. 
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