Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

1. Alberda. J.E. A Note on the Simplest Substitute Matrix, In "Forty Years of 
Thought", Anniversary edition on the Occasion of the esth birthday of Professor 
W. Baarda, Vol. 2, pp. 319-331, Delft, 1982 
2. Baarda, W. A Testing Procedure for Use in Geodetic Networks, Netherlands 
Geodetic Commission, Publications on Geodesy, New Series, Vol. 5, No. 1, Delft, 
3. Baarda, W. Statistical Concepts in Geodesy, Netherlands Geodetic Commission, 
Publications on Geodesy, New Series, Vol. 4, No. 4, Delft, 1967 
4. Baarda, W. S-transformations and Criterion Matrices, Netherlands Geodetic 
Commission, Publications on Geodesy, New Series, Vol. 5, No. 2, Delft, 1973 
5. Brouwer, F.J.J., van Daalen, D.T., Gravesteijn, F.T., de Heus, H.M., Kok, 
J.J., Teunissen, P.J.G. The Delft Approach for the Design and Computation of 
Geodetic Networks, In "Forty Years of Thought", Anniversary Edition on the 
Occasion of the est birthday of Professor W. Baarda, Vol. I, pp. 202-274, 1982 
6. Dahlmans, H.G.L. Design and analysis of deformation networks using Geoscan. 
Report available at Geodelta Engineering Services, Delft, 1986. 
T. Kok, J.J. On the Application of Statistics to Geodetic Networks, Seminar 
Geodetic Positioning, Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, 1984 
8. Kok, J.J. Some Notes on Numerical Methods and Techniques for Least-Squares 
Adjustments, Seminar Geodetic Positioning, Helsinki University of Technology, 
Helsinki, 1984 
9. Kok, J.J. On Data Snooping and Multiple Outlier Testing, NOAA Techn. 
Report NOS/NGS 30, National Geodetic Survey, Rockville, Md, USA, 1984 
10. Tienstra, J.M. Theory of the Adjustment of Normally Distributed 
Observations, Argus Publisher, Amsterdam, 1956 
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