Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

3). . Utilizing the identify, . valid . for all stationary and 
invertible processes 
Bois 1 airy s 5062) 
A(z) C(z) 
2 -k 
with C(z) — 1 + 2 e, 7 
D 1 be "A 
(z) = B4 z 
Here the ARMA model is described by an AR- or MA- model 
of infinite order (Pukkila/ Leppálà /13/). 
Taking the various considerations into account it was 
decided to select and concentrate on the algorithms 
published by Pukkila/Leppdld /13/ because of the high 
precision of the estimated parameters, its numerical 
simplicity and the short computational times. 
The algorithm assumes that the infinite order models can be 
approximated by models of a high order M, that the coeffi- 
cients c, are estimated by other methods (i.g. Ulrych/Clay- 
ton) and that the coefficients d can be determined from 
the c,.  Pukkila /12/ states that the c and d coefficients 
can be expressed as functions of the a and b parameters by 
eim Eps anh ED wy ly be "obse, oe 
db bey app rm A 8, d, t &, 
e, 71:i du 4n ji-1, M 
The parameters a and b are estimated by minimizing the sum 
of the squared model errors e and § with respect to the 
S(a,b) - 2 ( ex? + 6,7 y 
The precision of the estimated parameters is dependent on 
the location of the zeros of the polynomials A(z) and B(z). 
The parameters are indeterminable if the locations are 
equally distributed. The precision is not very sensitive to 
the order M. An order of M - 10 - 20 is enough if p+q < 5. 
5. Process Identification 
Process identification covers, in addition to parameter 
estimation, the determination of the orders p,d,q of an 
ARIMA process. Since, in most cases, the process order is 
not known a priori, it is usual practice to postulate 
several model orders and to analyse them. The order d of 
the derivatives can be found out by counting the zeros of 
A(z) located outside the unit circle. The determination of 
the orders p and q is more difficult. One possibility is to 
reverse the linear filter generating the ARMA process. Thus 
the innovations e(t) - now called prediction errors  - are 
computed from the time series x(t). The prediction errors 
of the optimum order may be represented by a white noise 
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