Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 3)

Commission III organized a one-day Tutorial on "Statistical 
Concepts for Quality Control" in Rovaniemi, Finland, on Monday, 
August 18, 1986, just before its Symposium in the same city. 
its aim was to explain the notions of geodetic and photogram- 
metric network design and analysis. Thus the participants of 
the Tutorial had an opportunity to brush up the theoretical 
bases of the subjects to be treated in the sessions of the 
coming Symposium. 
The lectures of the Tutorial were given by two experts in the 
area; Dr. W. FOrstner, Institut für Photogrammetrie, Universi- 
tät Stuttgart, FRGO, and Prof, Dr.ir. M. Molensar, Department 
of Landsurveying and Remote Sensing, Agricultural University, 
Wageningen, The Netherlands. 
The Program of the Tutorial consisted of the following theme 
- Statistical fundamentals and estimation theory, 
hypotheses testing and decision theory 
- Reliability, error detection and self calibration 
- Criterion matrices, S-system and precision evaluation 
- Design strategies and examples. 
There were altogether 31 participants from 10 member countries 
in the Tutorial. The lectures were printed and they form the 
last part of the Proceedings of the Symposium of Commission III 
"From Analytical to Digital" (International Archives of Photo- 
grammetry and Remote Sensing, Volume 26, Parts 3/1 - 3/4). 
"Students" in the first row (Prof.Dr. Konecny, Dr. Doyle, and 
Dr. Helava) estimated the Tutorial as a useful idea for future 

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