Table 2
An example of evolution from basic
statististic to the order statistics
lal Case |
1 |1.0 |.999 |.999 1.999 |
2 |1.0 |.9999 |.9999 |.999 |
3 |1.0 |.9999 |.999 |.999
+ [99 [99 7 1.99 1.996
5 1.0 10 |.9999 |.999 |
to be numbers that indicate the operators! believe that the observation is 'good'. The generally
good quality of photogrammetric and geodetic observations has been taken into consideration in
the assignment of these numbers.
It is possible to fine-tune the system by adjusting the probability numbers because of the subjectivity
of those numbers. This enables compensation for the inaccuracies of p(x|d2) as can be observed
from the decision rule where only the products P, (d;) P.(e|d;) matter.
In several papers dealing with blunder detection, it has been proposed that the statistical methods
are only to be used to alarm the user about the likely presence of a blunder. They urge that the final
decision has to be made by a human. This suggests that there really is a subjective component
in blunder detection, and that the user of an adjustment program is supposed to prefer some
observations over the others. The Baysian approach is cleary one way to explain the problematics
involved. It also gives a rigorous starting point for further developments.
Further questions on evidence combination
The principles of evidence combination were studied above in a case in which the observation was
specified a priori. Therefore, the T-distribution was applicable to Pk(z|di). In an algorithm for
blunder detection this approach is not feasible but any observation has to be considered in the
context of all the observations in the adjustment.
When *conventional" blunder detection methods are considered, one of the reliable strategies is
to reject one observtion at a time, starting from the one having the largest externally Studentized
residual. These methods have been called sequential (Mikhail and Graig, 1982), (Grün, 1984) or
iterated (Kok, 1984) data snooping techniques, being actually a special case of the more general
search method introduced in (Sarjakoski, 1986). The maximum of the test values (or the first one
in the decreasingly ordered sequence of test values) does not follow the T-distribution (under the
typical null hypothesis) but an ordered version of it, called T,,,, *. Rigorous use of Tmaz Statistics
is difficult in practice, due to its dependency on the variance-covariance matrix of residuals which
is determined by the functional and stochastical model involved.
When the Baysian-classification-based method is applied in a similar, sequential manner, extra
complexities occur because of the-a priori probabilities, Pa (eild1), which may vary over the whole
set of observations. In a sequential Baysian-classification-based method, it is reasonable to reject
observations in increasing order of confidence ratios, cr, (compare with the likelihood ratio in
Fukunaga, 1972):
Pk (di le) . Pk(d1) 2 Pk (edi)
Cre = =
Pa(daje) Pe(d2) Pa(eldz)
The decision rule is then:
crm = min(er,)
Crm < 1 — 0bs.,, € da
In (Sarjakoski, 1986) the term T,,4 was used instead. Tmaz is considered to be more descriptive,
however, because the distribution applies only to the maximum element of a vector of elements.