conditioned or even singular system (5) for certain types
of data.
As an example a condition equation (3) can be mentioned,
that connects at least two unknown parameters functionally
and the matrix product (BP;i B ) is equal to zero or ex-
tremely small, for instance in the special case of a very
precise observation. Another example are two functionally
independent observation equations for different unknown
parameters with very high stochastic correlation in the
weight matrix P, of the observations.
Secondly, for all other non-photogrammetric information
two cases can be distinguished:
- Data that do not decisively change the non-zero
structure of the normal equation system (2) can be treated
without special measures by the classical concept (5).
Normally these are data that lead to connections in the
normal equation system not exceeding the (3,3)-submatrix
of the coordinates of one point or the (6,6)-submatrix of
the orientation parameters or submatrices connecting these
unknowns and additional parameters. However, this depends
also on the modelling of the photogrammetric observations.
Examples of this type of data are positions of control
points with their covariance matrix having at most a
(3,3)-diagonal structure with or without transformation
parameters, that can be arranged in the border as addi-
tional unknowns. This is principally the same for direct
observations of camera positions or orientation parame-
ters. Also object information, e.g. DTM may be mentioned
- If the data lead to connections outside the non-zero
structure of the existing system (2) certain measures for
an efficient treatment should be taken into consideration:
a) The point unknowns being affected by this information
can be arranged behind the orientation parameters in the
border of the system as proposed by Brown /3/, Düppe /5/,
Larsson /9/.
b) Another concept is to use general reordering algorithms
to minimize the bandwidth or profile of the resulting
system. An advantage is that these algorithms offer great
flexibility and can be used for geodetic and photogram-
metric problems, but they do not necessarily lead to
optimal results.
In both cases a) and b) the normal equation system is of
type (5), but the sequence of the unknown parameters is
c) To preserve the structure of the existing system, the
Lagrange multipliers are not eliminated. Therefore the