The mapping is carried out in scales 1 : 2000—1 : 8000. The unmistakable
terrain features and, when needed, the form lines are plotted with autograph A8.
The photographs are rectified and enlarged into the mapping scale by using the
values which were obtained with the stereoplanigraph. The different classes of
land are delineated, classified, and appraised in the field on these enlargements.
This information is then transferred to the base map which was plotted in the auto-
The new boundaries which are drawn up when the land division is accomplished
are staked on the ground starting from the control points.
Development plans of rural agglomerations shall also frequently be made in
connection of the new divisions. The mapping of these areas is carried out in the
same way as the mapping of other development areas.
The method of graphic radial-plotting has been experimented on such areas
where the highest accuracy is not required. The method has been found uneconomi-
cal on large continuous areas, but it has been used successfully on small mapping
areas in connection with old photography.
From the year 1956 on about 800 km? has been mapped for cadastral purposes
with stereoscopic instruments. Besides, about 700 km? has been mapped similarily
in the scale 1 : 10 000 for planning new rural settlements. Different small surveys
have been made by using the graphic methods, making a total of about 100 km”,
Geologic Mapping
Transition into use of photogrammetric methods in the geological mapping
of rock formations has taken place during the reporting period. Controlled mosaics
1 : 20 000 are used as base map. The structure of the bedrock is investigated on
stereophotographs and the results of the aerogeophysical investigations are used
as an aid in this work. A comparison between the terrain and the photographs
is made on different types of terrain before the final interpretation. Special formations
and such areas which are difficult to interpret are investigated in the field. About
5000 km? a year are analyzed stereoscopically. The maps are published in the com-
mon sheet-layout system in the scale 1 : 100 000, and 20 sheets are already published.
The soil maps are made on the basis of the General Map 1 : 400 000. Stereoscopic
investigation on aerial photographs in scale 1:30 000—1 :40 000 has been
taken into use in North-Finland. The checking is carried out in the field along
suitably chosen lines. These maps were made in 1959 over an area of about 1500
The aerogeophysical investigation is continuing about the same way which was
described in the Report of 1956. Approximately 20 000 km? has been investigated
recently each year.
Stereoscopic investigation and Stereotop-mapping have also been used in different
scientific works.
During the reporting period the use of aerial photographs in forest mapping
and appraisal works has continuously increased. An area of about 1500—2000 km*
is photographed each year especially for these purposes. The photographs are taken
in the densely settled South-Finland mostly in scale 1 : 20 000 and in the less im-
portant areas of the sparsely settled North-Finland in 1:30 000—1 :40 000. In
addition to this, good use is also made of photographs which have been taken for
other purposes. The photographs are taken with Pleogon and Aviogon wide-angle
cameras, besides also the Topogon horizon camera is used in North-Finland. The
film has been mostly panchromatic. Successful tests with colour film have also been
made, but going over to the use of colour photographs is still under closer investi-