Full text: National reports (Part 3)

6 Wild A6 
4 Zeiss Stereotop 
2 Zeiss Multiplex 
1 Zeiss Stereoautograph 
] Zeiss Komparator 
In addition comes equipment used in photogrammetric work as mirror 
stereoscopes and parallaxebars, pocket stereoskopes etc. 
Aerotriangulation is applied for establishing controll points for maps on the 
scale 1/5 000—1/50 000. Maps on the scale 1/500—1/2 000 are still built on con- 
trol established by classical methods using triangulation, traverse and levelling. 
The map production is based on stereocompilation, and plotting instruments 
used are those of second order, whilst first order instruments are used for maps 
on the scales 1/500—1/2 000. 
e. Photogrammetric map production 1956—1959. 
Map scale 17100000 — 1/50000 140000  1/25000  1/20000  1/10000 1/5 000 
km? 2655 6 876 21 217 1 990 1 093 2 490 3 030 
Map. scale 1/2 500 1/2 000 1/1 000 1/500 
Da. 34000 38790 458700 43550 
Or acrs. 8 398 9581 113808 10877 
The Ministry of Agriculture also apply photogrammetry for re — allotment, 
but because of lack of detailed information, no figures can be given conserning 
their production, wich is not included in the table above. 
f. Education. 
Education in the various fields of photogrammetry has not been up to 
standard but is now improving. 
At the Norwegian University of Tecnology (NTH) and at the Norwegian 
University of Agriculture (NLH), photogrammetry is taught as part of a wide 
course in surveying. 
The NTH has the following equipment at disposal for training and tea- 
ching: 1 Wild A8, Multiplex, Mirrorstereoscopes and parallax-bars etc. 
Students working with surveying have the posibility to specialize in photo- 
grammetry and thus obtain a degree in this field. 
At NLH the instruments available are: Multiplex, Zeiss Stereo-Autograph, 
Zeiss Stereocomporator, Zeiss Radial-Secator, Stereotop, etc. The forestry section 
of NLH offers the opportunity also to study photo-interpretation and photo- 
erammetry and the application of those sciences on forestry and soil survey. 
Although photogrammetry is taught in the Universities, the mapping insti- 
tutions themselves must train and educate their own personal according to the 
techniques applied. 
On the following pages separate reports from those mapping organisations 
are given: 
The Geographical Survey of Norway, 
The Norwegian Polar Institute, 
The Ministry of Agriculture, 
Wideróes Flyveselskap A/S, 
Fjellangers Oppmáling og Luftkartlegging.

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