Full text: National reports (Part 3)

Oppmäling og Luftkartlegging 
(Fiellangers Survey and Air Mapping) 
Address: Sandgt. 2, Trondheim - Norway. 
Fjellangers Survey and Air Mapping is one of the oldest survey firms in 
Norway established in 1909. Photogrammetry has been adapted in the mapping 
procedure since 1955. With a personal of around 60 the firm is one of the largest 
in Norway and is offering its servises in any type of surveywork under water, on 
earth and from the air. 
The firm posesses the following equipment for photogrammetric mapping: 
1 Wild A7, 1 Wild A8, 1 Zeiss Stereotop. 
Since 1955 the firm has accomplished photogrammetric maps as follows: 
Scale Sq.km. Sq.miles 
1/500 40 15 
1/1 000 170 65 
1/5 000 506 195 
1/10 000 570 220 
1/40 000 1 200 460 
During the first two years most of the mapping were in scale 1/500, con- 
tourinterval 0,5 meter or 1,0 meter and 1/1 000 contour 1,0 meter for cities and 
urban areas. 
Later on it has also been a great demand for the mapping scales of 1/5 000 
and 1/10 000 for hydro-power developement, regional plning and landrealloca- 
tion and consolidation. 
Fjellangers Survey and Air Mapping has been serving the following Govern- 
ments Departements or Institions: The Departement of Agriculture and Forestry, 
the Departement of Hydro-Power Developement, The Norwegian Geotechnical 
Institute, The Geographical Survey of Norway, the Agriculture Research Coun- 
cil of Norway. 
In cooperation with the Agriculture Research Council of Norway, Institute 
of Land Reallocation and Consolidation the firm has produced the first 
complete economic map with property — and soil classification boundaries for 
Naustdal municipality in scale 1/10 000 covering 400 sq.km. 
'The firm has its office in Trondheim. 
Owner and director Reidar Fjellanger. 
Technical manager Arne T. Brodahl.

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