National Report to the
IXth International Congress of Photogrammetry to be held in
London Sept. 1960
Status of photogrammetry in Sweden 1960,
developments and other activities during the period 1956—1960
reported by Dr P. O. Fagerbolm
introductory remarks
Already in 1936 a systematic general cadastral sur-
vey of Sweden on a scale of 1 : 10,000 was started
with—at that time—rather unproved photogram-
metric methods. Since then the róle of photogram-
metry in the survey activities in Sweden has con-
stantly grown and photogrammetry is today also
dominating the large scale surveys and the resources
surveys, especially forest surveys. The very rapid
acceptance in Sweden of the photogrammetric map-
ping methods is a consequence not only of the in-
creased quality of the methods but also of the
immense increase of the mapping requests for the
social, economic and communication developments
of the country. Especially the following five rea-
sons for the increase should be mentioned:
1:0 In the late 1940ies a law for planning of ur-
ban and other densily populated areas was pas-
sed. The adoption of said law called for a lot
of large scale surveys, so did some big reallot-
ment projects.
2:0 The increase of consumption of electrical pow-
er caused a rapid planning and building of
hydroelectric power plants, water storages etc.
in North Sweden.
3:0 The increase of highway transportation and of
the number of private cars has resulted in a
rapid growth of the road building activities.
4:0 The forestry industry has been and is in an in-
tensive period of rationalizing and planning.
5:0 A new topographic map has been developped
and is now in production, of course on a pho-
togrammetric base.
These expanding mapping needs were combined
with a lack of personnel trained in field mapping
with classical methods, with fast increasing salaries
etc. for such personnel and their assistants, with a
decrease of the number of working hours per week
and last but not least with the great importance of
the time saving for many projects in which the
mapping phase represents a very small part but a
Photogrammetry has played an important role
in the development of many important branches of
our modern society. High demands on the capacity
of the photogrammetric production have been raised
and due to the appearance of several private firms
in the latter part of the last decade the joint pro-
duction by governmental and private organizations
is now sufficient. There is a constant interest in and
efforts are made for the increase also of the quality.
This efforts are often combined with the produc-
tion but the lack of personnel, especially of highly
qualified research people has, of course, hampered
these efforts when the production demands have
been great. Several important results and valuable
experiences have been made during the last four-
year period. The various activities connected with
the ISP has played an important róle herein.
The International Congress of Photogrammetry
held in Stockholm in July 1956 certainly increased
the speed of the application of photogrammetry in
Sweden. The proceedings of the aforementioned
congress was published as volume XII of the In-
ternational Archives of Photogrammetry around
New Year 1957.
Photogrammetry in the official
Swedish mapping
The official maps of Sweden are produced by the
Geographical Survey Office with the exception of
the sea-charts which are produced by the Hydro-
graphic Department of the National Board of Ship-
ping and Navigation.
T he official land-maps
As mentioned above and as described in the na-
tional report to previous congress (See Vol. XII
Part 2 of the International Archives of Photogram-
metry) an accelerated production of a general cad-
astral map (scale 1 : 10,000) showing the property